Cornwall is one area of the United Kingdom which is somehow very different from other parts of the country…..
It has a wild landscape, and has long been steeped in mysterious tales of pirates, smugglers, magic and ghostly goings-on!
There are many ghost stories with a Cornwall connection.
These range from the ghost of the famed Arthurian wizard Merlin, to the many sightings of the so-called Beast of Bodmin Moor – which has been accused of savaging local livestock!
Pengersick Castle, has a rich history that spans five hundred years!
The oldest remaining part of the castle is a four-storey tower which was built in the sixteenth century, as part of a fortified Tudor manor.
This was home to the notorious Pengersick Family.
The Pengersick’s were well known for their murderous exploits, especially those of their Patriarch Henry Pengersick.
Henry Pengersick was to all intents and purposes, something of a psychopath!
He was a violent man, and his escapades have certainly left their mark on this building.
Henry had a particular hatred for men of the cloth.
He was excommunicated from the church, after killing a monk from Hailes Abbey, who had come by to collect tithes.
A spectral monk is often sighted, but the identity of the hooded figure, who wanders the castle and grounds isn’t certain.
The monk has been seen many times, especially around the small forest, at the end of the medieval garden.
Could this be the restless spirit of the Monk, that Henry murdered…
Henry’s beautiful young wife Engrina, is said to haunt the castle too.
Henry married Engrina simply because she was the daughter of a family who owned the adjoining estate.
Engrina roams the castle, but has a particular affinity for the master bedroom.
Guests staying in this room, frequently report waking in the early hours, to see a ghostly woman staring out of the window.
Sometimes, Engrina turns and walks to the four-poster bed, where she lays down and writhes in agony, clutching at her stomach before disappearing.
The bedroom is also said to be haunted by another female spirit, believed to be a maid.
She often appears through the wall and stands by the bed.
Many believe it is the woman who perhaps nursed Engrina, in her final days – but there are no official records to support this, and the two spirits rarely appear together.
There are regular sightings of Alexander, the fearless black cat, chasing spectral rats around the grounds….
Then there’s the white orbs and weird shapes, that show up on some pictures – but are absent from others taken just seconds later….
The demon dog with the fiery red eyes….
The eerie white mist, that undulates towards terrified witnesses…..
This old castle is certainly paranormally active.
Full of secrets, and mysteries – where the past and present live side by side – and merge every so often with alarming results!