What do you know about Anunuebe tree?

What do you know about Anunuebe tree?

According to legend,it has it that:

(Anunuebe is King of all trees in Igbo land)

That Anunuebe is the most powerful and fearful tree in igboland.

That Anunuebe is a natural oracle..

That No human gets close to anunuebe tree not even a dibia unless the spirit residing in that tree left for a mission,that’s the only time one can visit it..
And before going there you must consult a well-rooted dibia to help you check the movement of the spirit of Anunuebe, because there’s a specific month/time the spirit goes out, and that’s the only time one can go there to take leaves, roots and other parts to use for preparing charms and medicine.. ..

That Anunuebe grows in the forest far away from where humans lives. If any bird perches on any branch of it, the bird dies instantly…(Nnunnu-ebe)… Grasses and other trees doesn’t grow close to anunuebe..

That When thunder strikes, it can affect other trees but not The great Anunuebe..

That Anunuebe leafs and roots cures leprosy, syphilis and other deadly diseases..

What do you know about this mysterious tree?

Does any tree named Anunuebe truly exist, or is it merely an illusion?

Share what you know about it in the comment section..

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