Tunisia closes Ras Jdir border crossing with Libya after clashes

Tunisia closes Ras Jdir border crossing with Libya after clashes

Tunisian authorities closed the Ras Jdir border crossing after armed clashes occurred there between rival Libyan factions.

Videos shared on social media showed gunfire and a torched car in the Libyan side of the crossing. The armed violence occurred between the Interior Ministry’s Zuwara Military Chamber task force and armed militias, injuring several security force members and at least one civilian.

The Libyan interior ministry accused the militias of spreading chaos. “Security forces have been assigned to secure the border and prevent smuggling, as well as combat crime, in order for the crossing to maintain its role due to the vital importance it holds for Libyans,” the ministry said.

Since securing the crossing, the Tripoli based government launched campaigns against militias whom it accuses of engaging in all sort of trafficking.

The move was challenged by armed groups – affiliated with the Supreme Council for the Amazighs of Libya – who threatened to escalate the situation if Tripoli government refused to concede.

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