The Origin Of The Word “BEKEE” (BAIKE) In Igbo Lexicon

The Origin Of The Word “BEKEE” (BAIKE) In Igbo Lexicon

In addition to referring to white people as “Oyibo” in Igbo land, they are also commonly referred to as “Bekee”.

The use of this term to describe white people began in the late 19th century when the British were constantly at odds with the Igbo people. A notable British military figure at the time was known as Dr. Baikie. He led expeditions against many Igbo towns, and his name eventually became synonymous with any distrusted white man. In contrast, a friendly white man is called “onye ocha” (onye meaning man or woman and ocha meaning white) or “Oyibo” as I explained in a previous post.

My grandfather used to refer to a white man as “nwabaikie”, meaning a product of the infamous Dr. Baikie. Today, the term “baikie” in the Igbo language can be used interchangeably with “white man”.

Photo: Mr Baikie

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