During harvest period in Esan, If there had been a poor yield from the whole community and if the ceremony involved the whole district under one Onojie. The collection was done by the IHAZA, for the purchase of the necessary things prescribed by the oracle for the appeasement of the goddess of EARTH.
This type of worship meant to increase the next year’s yield was performed strictly according to custom by the people of the first settlement of the district.
The goddess of EARTH was all powerful and hence was the simplest but most dreaded oath for any suspect to take. A small hole was made on the ground, some water poured into this and into it were dropped bits of kolanuts.
The terms of the oath were recited and the accused picked up a piece of the nut which he ate.
The psychological end of the oath taking “MAY YOUR LIFE BE MISERABLE AT THE SIGHT OF THE EARTH! “. The accused if guilty, could be imagined to be really a man afflicted by the pangs of his conscience, for there was nowhere he could go without seeing the earth.
In his farm, on the road or in his house, he was in contact with the earth. This reminds one of the Esan proverb which suggests the hopelessness of the bird who perches on an anthill making enmity with the earth.