A Story With A Valuable Lesson.
An apple farmer was looking around for his daughter. And then he found her crying in her bedroom. He walked up to her and asked.
“What’s the problem, honey? Why are you crying?”.
The young girl spoke with tears in her voice.
“Dad… I’m a good girl right? I have good manners. I show empathy. I’m authentic. I’m confident. I smile. I’m positive. And I’m kind to everyone. But why don’t everyone like me? Somehow, I overheard a particular girl in my class saying very bad things about me. She’s always hating on me in spite of all my good qualities. Why doesn’t she like me?”.
The apple farmer asked.
“Have you ever offended that girl in any way? Did you say something to her in a particular tone? Has there been a point when the two of you had an argument over something?”.
The young girl shook her head and responded.
“No dad. She just hates me for no reason at all”.
The apple farmer paused for a moment, then muttered.
“I don’t think someone would hate you for no reason at all. There will always be a reason why someone hates someone else. In this case, I think it’s your fault. Maybe you’re annoying or too proud without knowing it. I just think it’s your fault”.
The young girl suddenly became full of guilt and self-reproach. Her father then added.
“Nevertheless, you should come with me to the farm, I have something special there for you. I’m sure you will like it”.
He brought his daughter to his farm and showed her his apple orchard bearing fruits. Then he picked the biggest and juiciest apple from a tree and offered it to her with a smile. However, the girl shook her head and said.
“No dad, I don’t like apples”.
The apple farmer mumbled.
“Yes I know, but this is the juiciest of all the apples”.
The young girl repeated.
“Even so, I don’t like apples, dad”.
At that moment, the apple farmer put his arm around his daughter’s shoulders and pulled her close to him. Then he spoke to her gently.
“Listen, there is something important I want you to know about yourself. You are like this apple. It might be the biggest and juiciest on the tree, but some people don’t like apples. And it’s not the apple’s fault. Just like you, you have so many good qualities which you are proud of, but a girl in your school doesn’t like you. So tell me, is it your fault? Do you really have to care?”.
At some point in our lives, we all find out that certain people don’t like us. Some of us become devastated and start questioning our self-worth. We start wondering what we did wrong and how we can fix it. We soon become people-pleasers as we find it painful to be rejected or criticized by others. However, there is something important that we all need to know. There is no way every single person you come into contact with will like you, and there’s nothing you can do to change that. You have your own unique personality which means some people will love and adore you for who you are. Don’t worry if others don’t like you. Don’t live your life pleasing people. Worry about the people who like you, because that’s where your happiness is.
Author: Chima_Dickson Official
I let my stories teach the life lessons.