1) Family Values
You’d hardly meet a Yoruba guy that doesn’t have high standards when it comes to family. One thing you’re assured of when you date a Yoruba guy (and if you’re lucky enough to marry one) is that you would come first always in his life. What makes this even more sweet is the fact that he would also place as much premium on your family members as he does on his, can life be anymore sweeter?

2) Respectful
Obviously, no tribe does it better when it comes to respect than your typical Yoruba dude. You’re assured of his love and respect anywhere, anytime.

3) Highly Fertile
Yoruba dudes have been proven to be very fertile as research has shown that Yorubas have the highest twin births in the world. So, if you love twins so much and you’re thinking of getting pregnant from a guy’s first burst, you sure know what to do.

4) Generous
If you mix with the right crowd of Yoruba guys, you will find out that we are generous to a fault. A typical Yoruba guy would go out of his way to spoil you silly with no care in the world of the cost implications. Be sure of one thing, he’d carry on with this if you end up saying ‘I do’ to him.

5) Romantic To A Fault
One of the reasons why girls may find it difficult to say no to a Yoruba man is the fact that you’d hardly find a Yoruba man that doesn’t know how to make his woman feel on top of the world. Yoruba guys know how to give you that good massage when you’re back from a hard day’s work at the office. He would treat you to romantic candle lit dinners and take you on trips to exotic locations you can only dream of. See why he ranks ahead of guys from other tribes?

6) Sugar-coated Mouth
Another thing you’re bound to love us for is our love for flattery. Yoruba dudes would sweet talk you and make you feel on top of the world which of course is something every woman wants. If you want a man that would make you feel like you’re ‘walking over the moon’, you sure know where to get it from.

To top it all, Yoruba guys are some of the most caring, attentive, patient, understanding and humble guys you will ever meet. Guys from other tribes should however not take this as an insult but take a cue from what makes the girls follow them.

And don’t worry if you’re dating guys from other tribes, I’d surely consider writing on what makes those tribes thick too! But in the meantime, if you’ve got a Yoruba guy; you’re one of the luckiest girls in the world and if you don’t have one, consider the saying ‘the taste of the pudding is in the eating’.

??☺️This piece on my yoruba men is generating a brouhaha where l copied it from.

Hmmm, some other tribes are commenting sarcastically about yoruba men. They said our men sit at home while women go out to feed them.

??What a myopic view of our men.

Honestly, yoruba men are warm, kind,loving, humane, responsible, jovial, amicable, compassionate and possess other good virtues and qualities.

However, there are exceptions. But, that’s peculiar in other tribes.

Folks, your views?

NOTE: I just remembered. Yoruba men are so fashionable.

They tilt their ‘ fila'( cap) to different angles at occasions, looking regal and handsome.

You make sarcastic comments about my yoruba men?

I’d block you straighttt ooooo??

Yoruba men are so trendy and handsome❤️

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