Poppi Castle was built around the second half of the 13th century AD.
Today, it’s commonly considered one of Tuscany’s best preserved, and haunted castles.

One of Poppi Castle’s most infamous residents was a woman by the name of Matelda.

Matelda was married to Count Guido Guidi, an old man, a great politician, but given his age, a very lousy lover.
Matelda, was young, nubile and extremely insatiable!!

Matelda was extraordinarily beautiful, a bit impetuous, and definitely a great admirer of the opposite sEx.

Let’s face it, sEx in the 13th century, was a valuable source of entertainment for the listless and bored nobles of the time.

Matelda was considered a noble bride of the Middle Ages.
She was polite, charming and seemingly virtuous….

However, this hid her cruel side, her darker evil, wanton side.

Matelda was unhappy in her sExless marriage, and often sought the company of lusty young men from the town.

Matelda does not do things by chance….
She begins with the minstrels, or any random men just passing by.

She then moves on to the more ‘local’ young artisans, employed for necessary maintenance work or unexpected repairs, to the castle.
Its a big castle, needing lots of repairs….

Finally she seduces the pages, and young passing riders that bring news of battles and so on……

Told you she was insatiable!

After inviting one of them to the castle, she would spend the night bedding with him.

Before the sun rose, she would send the man “home” through the back door, to avoid being caught in adultery.
Unbeknownst to them, the ‘back door’ led to a walkway.

This walkway was dark and rugged, leading to a secret trap door, where the unfortunate man falls down.

After landing at the bottom, they die ~ pierced by a series of blades stuck to the ground.

Every man rewarded with the body of the beautiful Matelda, lost their life, impaled at the bottom of a deep hole.

An atrocious end, for one night of exhaustive passion!

Matelda had fun for a while, but the gossip was mounting.
Too many young men went through the castle doors, and didn’t come out again….

One day, taking advantage of the absence of Matelda’s husband, the townspeople stormed the castle.

They captured Matelda, and buried her alive in a corner of the castle tower.

The castle tower called ~not surprisingly ~ the Devil’s Tower, was here Matelda was left to die.

She was walled up, to slowly die of hunger and thirst.

Legends persist, of this beautiful but lethal, evil woman, whom after having brought pain and death to many, her ghost still lurks in her castle.

The ghost of Matelda, wanders through Poppi Castle, appearing at the windows, moving between the steps, frightening and confusing visitors.

She has even been known to whisper inappropriate comments in the ears of the handsome young men, who come to visit the castle.

It seems Matelda is still lusty, even in the afterlife!

Those who see her, claim Matelda is dressed in white, and still has a beautiful face.

Few claim you can hear a faint and provocative voice, and feel a buzzing on the neck, that causes shivering, of cold and pleasure.

Is the beautiful Matelda still looking for a fleeting night of love with a beautiful young man?

Haunted History

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