Igbo highlife music isn’t just a genre; it’s an integral part of Igbo culture. This distinct sound has transcended its roots in Igboland to achieve global recognition. In April 2021, Google honoured one of Africa’s highlife music legends, Oliver De Coque, with a doodle, underscoring the genre’s far-reaching influence.

Igbo highlife music is a contemporary genre that melds traditional highlife and Igbo musical elements. Originating in the Eastern Region of Nigeria in the 1950s, it is primarily characterized by guitar-based melodies enriched with horns and vocal rhythms. Lyrics are predominantly sung in Igbo, occasionally interspersed with Pidgin English.

Over the years, the Igbo highlife scene has witnessed the rise and fall of legendary musicians who enchanted audiences with their melodic prowess. Here are my top five Igbo highlife musicians of all time, listed in no particular order of influence:

1. Chief Stephen Osita Osadebe

Dubbed “the Doctor of Hypertension,” Osadebe’s music possessed a mesmerizing quality that comforted troubled souls. Regarded as a pioneering figure in Igbo highlife music, Osadebe’s illustrious career spanned over 40 years during which he composed over 500 songs. His eclectic style, characterized by a fusion of percussion, guitars, wind instruments, and occasional saxophone solos, earned him the moniker “father of Igbo highlife.” Albums like “Osondi Owendi” and “Kedu America” showcased his penchant for incorporating social criticism into his music, garnering widespread acclaim and numerous awards.

2. Oliver De Coque

Oliver De Coque remains one of Africa’s most iconic highlife musicians, even a decade after his passing. With a prolific career spanning over 70 albums, De Coque’s music continues to resonate with audiences worldwide. Renowned for infusing modern West African highlife with Congolese-influenced guitar melodies and energetic Igbo dance rhythms, he pioneered a unique musical style known as Ogene. His flamboyant persona and musical virtuosity earned him titles such as the King of Highlife and Ikemba, symbolizing his enduring legacy in the music industry.

3. Bright Chimezie

Bright Chimezie’s innovative fusion of traditional Nigerian music and Igbo highlife gave rise to the distinctive Zigima sound. Dubbed the Duke of Africa, Chimezie’s music captivated audiences with its infectious rhythms and witty social commentary. Albums like “Respect Africa” showcased his ability to address societal issues with honour and charm, solidifying his status as a highlife luminary.

4. Dr. Sir Warrio

Christogonus Ezebuiro Obinna, popularly known as Dr. Sir Warrior, wielded a profound influence on the highlife scene for over two decades. Beginning his career at a young age, he gained renown for his captivating performances and unique vocal style. As the leader of the Oriental Brothers International Band, he showcased his musical prowess on both national and international stages, earning him a reputation as one of highlife’s most influential figures.

5. Celestine Ukwu

Described as a prolific composer, Celestine Ukwu’s music resonated with audiences through timeless classics like ” Ije Enu” and “Igede.” His thought-provoking lyrics and soulful melodies earned him praise from critics and fans alike, cementing his status as one of Igbo highlife’s greatest luminaries.

These five musicians exemplify the richness and diversity of Igbo highlife music, each leaving an indelible mark on the genre’s history and legacy.

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