Labourer jailed 7 months for stealing three turkeys
Labourer jailed 7 months for stealing three turkeys
An Area Court in Jos on Thursday sentenced a 41-year-old labourer, Andrew Enoch, to seven months in a correctional centre for stealing three turkeys.
The judge, Anas Mohammed, sentenced Enoch after he pleaded guilty to the charges preferred against him.
Mohammed, however, gave him a fine option of N70,000.
He also ordered him to pay the sum of N90,000 to the complainant as compensation or, in default, spend an additional one month in jail.
Earlier, the prosecutor, Insp. Labaran Ahmed, had told the court that the case was reported on Aug. 17 at the Laranto Police Station, Jos, by one Ishaiah Habi.
The prosecutor said that Andrew went to the complainant’s house and stole the three birds.
According to him, the accused killed the birds before he was caught.
Ahmed said that the offence contravened the provisions of the Plateau Penal Code.