Kabylia Republic to announce Independence from Algeria on April 20 in New York

Kabylia Republic to announce Independence from Algeria on April 20 in New York

The official announcement will be made on April 20 in New York by Ferhat Mehenni, President of the Provisional Kabyle Govt. in Exile and leader of Kabylia Self-Determination Movement (MAK).

In his latest historic speech broadcast on social media networks, Mr. Mehenni reaffirmed the Kabyle people’s attachment to their independence and rejection of the Algerian authorities’ control, recalling in this regard the boycott of the Kabyle of the Algerian presidential and legislative elections.

The Kabyle people have chosen a peaceful approach to achieve their independence, rejecting any intention of engaging in war, underlined Mr. Mehenni.

An independent Kabyle Republic had existed decades before the creation of Algeria. It is a geo-historical reality, with its own territory and culture. It was in 1857, 20 years after the decree creating Algeria that Kabylia was annexed. After decolonization and forced cohabitation, the Kabyle people continue to rise up against the Algerian military regime, and struggle for their own independence.

Kabyle population have long been repressed and stigmatized by the military regime in Algiers. While the Kabyle’s were at the forefront of the struggle against French colonialism, Kabyle leaders were assassinated by a military junta that took power in the wake of independence installing a single party regime.

During Bouteflika’s rule, the regime killed 126 Kabyle protesters in the incidents of the Black Spring, when thousands took to the streets to demand recognition of their linguistics and cultural specificities and better economic development. The protests were sparked by the killing of high school student Massinisa Guermah by the Algerian gendarmerie.

Under the Chengriha-Tebboune duo, the military regime took intimidation to a terrorizing level. Kabyle activists have accused Algiers of deliberately setting fire to their region as Algerian authorities sent scores of Kabyle independence activists to jail on bogus charges including terrorism.

“Kabylia aspires to have its own president, its own parliament, its own authority, and its own sovereignty over its territories. It does not need Algeria,” Mhenni said.

He recalled Kabylia’s boycott and near zero turnout in the Algerian 2019 elections that brought Tebboune to the presidency as well as the boycott of his constitution in 2022.

“The Algerian constitution does not apply to the Kabyle people and Kabylia which also boycotted the legislative elections of June 12, 2021. The Algerian parliament and laws do not apply in Kabylia and are not recognized by the Kabyles. Kabylia has already withdrawn from Algeria,” he said.

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