Gather around let me tell you a true life story about myself, my career and the music industry.
Normally, I am a Pastor’s son and I haven’t seen my biological mother for the past 11 years.
I and my brothers stay with my father and my step-mother who does not even care about us.
It was out of life’s situations that I got into the music industry. After all, it was what I could only do.
I went into the music industry, never knowing that all that glitters is not gold.
My name is Imole which means LIGHT/BRIGHT. It wasn’t the name given to me by my parents. It was a name given to me by some set of people that loved the way I sang a remix of a gospel song.
I grew up with my parents and siblings but along the line, my mother just disappeared.
I haven’t seen my mother for the past 11 years. So, my father married another woman whom we couldn’t really get along with because she was pretty hard on us.
My father wasn’t really seeing enough money to take care of all of us. Most times, I had to watch my brothers go hungry through out the day and my step mother wasn’t helping matters at all.
Sometimes, I don’t feel sleep at all because I could not stop thinking about the situation of my family. It was terrible and that kept getting into me for a long time.
I sat with my younger brother one Sunday afternoon after church and the following were our discussions:
“Baba, aye ti sunmi o” (Life has tired me) he said but then I looked at him for a while before taking a deep breath.
“We need to be strong. God is still on our side” I replied
“Bro, what do you mean by God is still on our side? We went to church didn’t we? But how many blessings are we seeing daily? Do you think God is still alive?”
He kept asking questions that no matter how I think about it, in a way he was right.
Of course, we were going to church, we sang in the choir, we prayed but nothing was happening. Our mates were seriously far above us in every ramifications.
“You are right bro but we must persevere, we must keep pushing and we must keep believing” I said to him
“I’m beginning to see that sooner or later we may have to take a more bigger, drastic decision in order to elevate our lives o. Me I’m just tired of everything”
“Don’t worry, we shall be fine. All of these troubles will soon pass” I comforted him even though I knew deep within me that nothing was working well and my brother was right in every way.
That night, my father came back from wherever he went to and then he called me into his room.
“Imole, I want you to go to school. I can afford a Polytechnic education for you. I want you as my eldest son to go to school and make your future and our future bright”
That was what he said and then he went to one of his bags and I could see how he smuggled some currencies out of the bag. It was a bunch and it looked as if he has been saving it.
“Now, take this money and go apply in a Polytechnic of your choice”
I stretched my hands and collected the money with gladness.
“Please Imole, just as your name means Light. Use this opportunity to bring light to this family. I am counting on you”
I thanked him with joy and then I went back into our room. I told my brothers about it and then they were all happy.
I looked at my immediate younger brother.
“Didn’t I tell you that we should keep on believing? Things shall surely get better from henceforth. Just keep believing in God”
I slept that night with a great joy in my heart because I will hurry to see how I can get admission into one of the Polytechnics around.