The next morning, I rushed out and took all my credentials and before anybody could say jack, I was in one of the Polytechnics in the state.

After several ups and downs, I was finally admitted into the Polytechnic. You all can’t imagine the kind of joy it brought to my family’s face with the exception of my stepmother who seems unhappy about the whole thing but I didn’t care.

My father was a Pastor but of course, he wasn’t a well known Pastor.

He hardly sees money. In fact we hardly see anything called salary. A certain day came before I resumed school, we were all at home breaking kernel nuts to eat when our Landlord entered the compound.

He began to shout on top of his voice about the fact that my father was owing rent of about one year plus. You know how it is in Yoruba land, people gathered as if someone was sharing money and you could imagine how disgraceful it was.

My father couldn’t even say a word. While some neighbors were busy side talking against my dad, others were busy pleading with the Landlord.

I even heard someone said

“He is a Pastor and cannot pay rent for a whole year”

That statement got right into me.

“The next time I come here, I promise to throw you, your family and your useless properties out of my house” The Landlord said as he turned and left the compound.

I looked at my father, it was only tears that didn’t fall from his eyes but I could tell that he was so pained from everything that had happened.

My siblings were at the other end crying. Mehn, it was so painful.


I must make it in school. I really must do that. Time went by and then I resumed school. My first day in school wasn’t all pleasant because I began to see a kind of different life styles from what I was used to.

Little by little I began to make friends. I finally noticed that the only thing I could actually do was to sing, that was all I was really good at.

Music was all I could really do. The Poly I attended was not really far from my house. So, as usual I was going to school from home and then on Sundays I sing in the choir.

People look happy and become happy whenever I sing, be it in the church or on the street. I noticed that my music brings happiness to the lives of all those that gives an ear to it.

I must confess that it makes me happy. But things didn’t change at all. I was finding it difficult in school and at home because I had to go through a whole day (most times) without eating anything and the constant pressure from the Landlord wasn’t helping matters either.

I didn’t stop telling my family that everything will soon be good. That I will soon buy car, house for them and that I will make life easy for them soonest. I kept giving them hope because I know no situation is permanent.

Suddenly, I began to find out that I don’t enjoy going for lectures any more. So, I stopped attending lectures. My father always thinks I attend lectures but I wasn’t doing that.

Instead, I was busy singing good lyrics and making people happy on the street.

The street got me. My brothers from the street made trenches felt like paradise as we sand, compliment and correct each other in love.

I didn’t stop praying and hoping that God will send a helper to me soonest and then the world will here and appreciate my music.

I kept trying everyday and every time to make my promises a reality. It wasn’t easy at all but my family still wasn’t aware that I don’t go for lectures. I no enter class at all.

In between going to school, singing on the street, I tried to make sure I do quality music and quality lyrics and then one day, I got a call.

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