Henry VIII’s Reformation Begins
Henry VIII’s Reformation Begins
On 11th July 1536, the Act of Ten Articles was promulgated. This was the first element of Henry VIII’s Reformation that actually affected doctrinal matters, and was probably written by Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury. Considered to be reformist in tone, whilst it permitted prayers for the dead, it negated any value in papal pardons or remissions. It confirmed the Real Presence in the sacraments, and thus remains essentially a Catholic exposition of faith. It was, however, novel enough to cause disquiet, and religious change was one of the motives behind the Pilgrimage of Grace. In the year 1536 a convocation under Henry VIII gave sanction to the “Ten Articles,” entitled “Articles devised by the King’s Higness’ Majesty to stablish Christian quietness and unity among us.” These were probably compiled by Cranmer, though ostensibly emanating from the crown. Five of the articles related to doctrines and five to ceremonies.
Articles related to doctrines
That Holy Scriptures and the three Creeds are the basis and summary of a true Christian faith.
That baptism conveys remission of sins and the regenerating grace of the Holy Spirit, and is absolutely necessary as well for children as adults.
That penance consists of contrition, confession, and reformation, and is necessary to salvation.
That the body and blood of Christ are really present in the elements of the eucharist.
That justification is remission of sin and reconciliation to God by the merits of Christ; but good works are necessary.
Articles related to ceremonies
That images are useful as remembrancers, but are not objects of worship.
That saints are to be honored as examples of life, and as furthering our prayers.
That saints may be invoked as intercessors, and their holydays observed.
That ceremonies are to be observed for the sake of their mystical signification, and as conducive to devotion.
That prayers for the dead are good and useful, but the efficacy of papal pardon, and of soul-masses offered at certain localities, is negatived.