Death Of Alchemist ~ Nicolas Flamel

Death Of Alchemist ~ Nicolas Flamel

Flamel’s enigmatic existence unveils a story that spans centuries, shaped by alchemy, mysticism, and an unwavering pursuit of immortality……
In Harry Potter & The Philosopher’s Stone, Nicolas Flamel is the only known maker of the Philosopher’s Stone.

The stone is thought to be capable of turning metal into gold, and granting immortality.
With the Stone, Flamel created the Elixir of Life, a potion that made the drinker functionally immortal ~ as long as it was regularly ingested.
At 665 years old, Nicolas and his 658-year-old wife Perenelle certainly make use of the stone, having lived more than six centuries, in the wizarding world……

However, the real Nicolas Flamel was born on 28th September 1330, in Pontoise near Paris.
Flamel belonged to a world where the boundary between magic and reality blurred, and he became a noted alchemist of considerable talent.
Nicolas Flamel lived most of his long life in quiet obscurity, conducting alchemical experiments and accruing vast wealth.
Flamel and his wife Perenelle owned several properties, and regularly donated money to the French Catholic church.
Their wealth and philanthropy, has become part of the legend that surrounds Flamel’s posthumous reputation as an alchemist.

It was not until his connection to the highly coveted Philosopher’s Stone was revealed that, Flamel and his wife received unwanted public attention.Records show that Flamel died on 22nd March 1418.
He was buried in Paris, beneath a tombstone he designed himself.
His will left the majority of his library to a nephew Perrier, of whom little else is known.

This is where the historical facts about Flamel, start to merge with the legends.
Some people don’t believe he died at all.
It was not until his connection to the highly coveted Philosopher’s Stone was revealed, that Flamel and his wife received unwanted public attention.
There are reports of him and Perenelle having faked their deaths, and escaped to India, and their immortality is all down to his supposed alchemical genius.

Flamel’s interest in alchemy apparently began with a book.
It is said that a stranger approached him one day, with a rare manuscript.
Flamel immediately recognised it ~ not long before, he had dreamed about an angel.
The angel had appeared holding this very same book.
The angel told him:
“One day you will see in it, that which no other man will be able to see…”

The book was in Greek, and other languages Flamel couldn’t understand, including Hebrew.
It was also full of awe-inspiring symbols, which Flamel realised were instructions on alchemy.
Flamel supposedly spent 21 years trying to decipher it all!

Those who believe Flamel used the manuscript to create ‘The Philosopher’s Stone’, point to the fact that it was then that Flamel became rich.
Apparently, his incredible wealth and generosity, brought him to the attention of Charles VI, who ordered an investigation into Flamel……. but found ‘nothing of interest’.

Others say there is no indication that Flamel had any involvement in alchemy at all, and the stories about the mysterious manuscript, are just that ~ stories.
But, as they say, there is no smoke without fire…..
Flamel’s reputation was fuelled by a number of books, attributed to him, long after his death.

By the mid 17th-century, Flamel had become legendary, with numerous reported sightings of him, and Perenelle.
Well-known historical figures like Isaac Newton, referred to Flamel’s alchemical prowess.

Whether or not they believed he was still alive, is another thing. However, these learned figures, all agreed that Flamel was a brilliant alchemist.
More recently, as well as ‘Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone’, Flamel has been mentioned in fictional works including, Dan Brown’s ‘The Da Vinci Code’ in 2003.

So, while the real Flamel may or may not have made ‘The Philosopher’s Stone’, and even without the Elixir of Life, his legendary reputation has certainly made him immortal!

⚡️ Nicholas Flamel, and the Philosophers stone ~ Harry Potter.

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