How could you allow outsiders to damage your life like this, Rachael? Your brother is there, You had Joyce too who usually comes to check up on you. Did you mean to say that all those times you couldn’t report to her?

Sir I tried explaining. I— I, tried explaining, but. But.” “But what? HIV at this tender age! What is all this? Oh Jesus! I keep receiving numerous complaints from you all the time. Or is it because I never disclosed them to you? Do you have any idea how many times Annie has reported you to me?” Uche questioned her, looking visibly frustrated.

I’m sorry.. Please..

Please I’m sorry..

I…, I.., I.., don’t know what to say.

You’re sorry for yourself. Seems you don’t know what you’re up against. This is a deadly virus you’ve contracted. And if you don’t take the right prescriptions to suppress it then your chances of survival are minimal. Who even did this thing to you in the first place!… Uche exclaimed further.

She only mentioned that people were threatening her. She hasn’t provided us with the full details yet. Whenever we ask, she doesn’t always give us the information we are looking for…” Sister Joyce intervened.

Uche held Annie’s left hand and walked away with her probably to discuss something with her. While Joyce remained with Rachel.

Rachael was eventually discharged after a month of staying in the hospital. Mr Uche took both of them his house when he stays with his wife. From there, Rachael’s wife (Mrs Benita) took Charles and his twin sister to a private school, where they were enrolled in JSS1. Rachael’s wife also purchased school uniforms for them, both them some necessary textbooks. As the years went by, when they reached the age of eighteen, Rachael was losing weight (very thin) regardless of the drugs she was taking. And she was eating less.

Some days, when Rachael’s health deteriorated, they had to rush her back home to take her medications even when it wasn’t up to the closing time. Their school administrator, Mrs. Adesuwa, had numerous discussions with Rachael, urging her to consider learning something else outside of school due to her health challenges. However, Rachael was determined to finish her education and was unswerving in her decision.

Charles and Rachael were in the same class and they’d been maintaining their positions of 2nd and 3rd. The first position in the class was consistently held by a girl named Blessing(with a blind left eye), who also happened to be their class prefect due to her remarkable intelligence.

Rachael and Charles on the other hand, tended to keep to themselves and hardly interacted with their peers at school due to how they were brought up. They always escape blessings list of nóise makes. After finishing their meals, they would often stay by themselves. However, over time, Blessing recognized Rachael’s predicament and started reaching out to her, playing with her, showing genuine empathy and understanding. Despite this developing friendship, Rachael still only trusted a select few classmates with the knowledge of her health condition.

Overtime, Rachael developed the habit of singing all alone in her room, most especially in the evening. She’d sing this particular song, with her windows opened and gazing at the stars

_The lord will take my pains away. ?

I know you’ll take my pains away ×5

Mummy I need you to be here with me..

Your daughter is gradually dying

_For the season and days will fade away..

All the starts and moons will keep shinning..

Everyday I think of you.

At times I’d feel hopeless and lost..?

But I know you’ll take my pains away ×5

Rachel, please don’t worry about your health. Living with HIV is not a death sentence. you’re a very brilliant girl…Mrs. Benita reassured her with a compassionate tone, holding her left jaw. She initially came to check on Rachel that evening, peeking into her room to see if she had fallen asleep or was still singing as she often did.

Just like I always tell you, miracles can happen,” Mrs. Benita continued, her voice filled with hope. “Don’t you believe in miracles?”

Rachel looked up at Mrs. Benita, her eyes filled with a mixture of uncertainty and longing. She hesitated for a moment, cleaned her teary eyes before finally letting out a small sigh.

Mummy But I’m still going to dîe.. I’ve done some research about this dreadful virus using your phone, and from all the information I found, there is currently no known cure… Rachael’s voice trembled as she spoke to her.. Mummy look at my skin, look at my ribs coming out. Mummy I’m gradually dieing. I don’t know what time I have left or have you forgot what the doctor told us the other day?” With muttered tears streaming down her face, tugging at her gown and revealed her frail and weakened body to Mrs. Benita

Please you people should share.

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