

Joyce made another attempt to call her, but still received no response. Annie and Charles, startled by the commotion, woke up. They observed Joyce’s determined efforts to rouse Rachel by repeatedly tapping her.

Due to panic, Annie managed to swallow her hatred towards and fõrced A tablespoon into her mouth, and Charles was instructed to hold it tightly and try to separate her teeth. Annie and Joyce hurriedly took Rachel to the hospital in one of the tricycles without removing the spoon from her mouth.

They took Rachael in, extracted some blood from her thumbs and ran some tests on her. One of the nurses told them to exercise some patience that they’d soon give them feedback.

Later on, they discovered that she tested positive for the HIV virus test with a little fever which was gradually deteriorating her health. The news shocked Annie and Joyce, prompting them to question how this could have happened.

But how come?…

From what we discovered, she had been deflowered and It is possible that she contracted the virus through unprotected sexual intercourse with an infected person or by sharing contaminated sharp objects like needles, syringes, or broken bottles, or even through a blood transfusion. However, what raises my concern is the fact that she is too young to engaging in sexual activity…. The nurse let out a frustrated sigh.

Oh God, what kind of world is this? I have watched Rachel grow up, even helped her mother carry her as a baby. So this is how her life wants to end? Why are people this wicked! when you’re trying to climb a mountain, that’s when the enemy comes and stabs you in the back. Sister Joyce cried out, falling to her knees on the cold brick floor.

Charles muttered with teary eyes, “I knew it. I had a feeling that Rachael was hiding something. That man I saw had done something to her, and even when we confronted her, she wouldn’t open up. Rachel sef ehhh. I don’t understand why my sister is behaving this way. She’s my only sister, see what she has done to herself eh. Aaaahhhhh..

This girl don’t use to hear word. You see! Some galz sef eh, their Mata tire me asweãr. Rachel that was so calm and quiet like someone that doesn’t know anything. She changed all of a sudden, At a point she started selling my things on credit. Girls of nowadays I don’t just understand them at all. Even my own daughter doesn’t listen to my advice. Look at her brother very humble and hardworking, had it been she listened to all those things I usually tell her nothing would’ve happened to her but she chose her path. I just pray she comes out of this… Annie objected, folding her hands with devastated looks on her face.

Madam, we are actively working on finding ways to effectively combat the virus. For now, we will prescribe certain medications that need to be administered to her regularly. This is the best solution we have at the moment. She is still in the ward and unable to speak at the moment. She is facing a lot internally as well, and there are some things that are troubling her. Give her some time. You can talk to her but not now. The nurse reassured them, greeted them, and then left.

Joyce later contacted Uche on the phone and informed him about Rachael’s predicament and he was heart broken. He was flown to the hospital the next day during the evening. He sighted Charles sitting down on a small bench close to the ambulance by his left. He was crying and writing on the sand with his bare hands.


Yes sir… Charles answered and stood up, cleaning his tears.

Nothing is going to happen to your sister. I assure you that… He told Charles, hugged him and head over to meet Rachael and the other inside.

Rachel remained in the bed, connected to an IV drip. She did not offer any response to their inquiries, only tears streaming down her face.

Rachel, please say something. HIV is not a dêãd end, there is still hope as long as there is life… Sister Joyce pleaded, her voice filled with compassion, gently patting her. Annie stood nearby, her hands resting on her cheeks, her head slowly turning from side to side. A small food flask was close to her. Probably must’ve eaten.

Rachel it’s Uche… I heard everything that happened..



Uche barged inside after taking permission from the nurses.

Rachel raised her head up and turned towards Uche crying and staring at him..

Please you people should share.

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To be continued.

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