ANGLO-SAXON WARRIORS fought on foot in a typically Germanic style. A nobleman or king would have a handful of housecarls
– professional warriors who would be equipped with the best armour and weapons they could get. The remainder of a force was raised as needed, although individuals might be quite experienced in battle even if they were not warriors by profession.
Spears and axes were the preferred battlefield weapons, along with javelins.
A sword or seax – essentially a very large knife – or perhaps a smaller dagger would be carried as a secondary weapon.
Most combatants had only a shield for protection, but wealthier men would use mail armour and a helmet if they could afford it.
Tactics were basic, with leaders showing an example and individuals demonstrating their courage by daring feats. An initial exchange of javelins and arrows was followed by a charge by one or both sides, with the issue decided by a violent mêlée. In such circumstances, the casualties among whichever side broke first would be much higher than in an inconclusive skirmish.