This is the concluding part of the expose on Aláàfin Àjàká Òkò.
Àjàká formed his inner cabinet with wit-zards and wit-ches. Note that these were the early scientists people could not comprehend their wit and inventions and therefore labeled them magicians. Together, they formed the think-tank churning our strategies and inventions which Àjàká applied to win his war.
How Àjàká consulted these array of unique humans and managed their living together in a single city speaks volume of Àjàká ‘s human resource management skills. Some people cannot even manage 9 toddlers. Àjàká managed 9 wizards and sorcerers in a single city. (this shall be the theme of my next fiction story) But know this today: there is no way you can be temperamental and judgemental without running mental!
Àjàká attacked the maternal home of Sango. Yes. The maternal home of Sango was up north of Yorùbá. The reason for this is not well known but legend has it that his firebird technology was so successful he crossed odò Ọya and re-establish the hold of his empire up north. The people of Okun and Kàbà owe Àjàká some measure of appreciation by not giving up their ancestral land fought for by the lion king, Àjàká Òkò.
The Nupes are Yoruba kins, we are related. The same with Bariba who were known to have secret of poisoning their arrow and setting traps for human. The Nupes are reputed to be land of beautiful girls. In fact, legend has it that the day you choose a Nupe girl as your paramour is the day you will stop being adventurous about women. Reason being that she will so take care of you with good S and S that you will forget your name. Before you start misinterpreting my double S, the first is for soup. Nupes are known to cook good sumptuous soup. I leave your imagination free to the second S. ? ? ?
Ọlọ́fin Adimula Oranmiyan married a beautiful lady from there. This should tell us there have been intermarriage with them from the beginning of our history. Many other Aláàfin married from Bariba countryside to seal cooperation and security. We need to emulate that. We need to live in peace with every other tribes that want peace and value human life over any other thing. However, we need to be ruthless like Àjàká Òkò to all other elements that threatens our collective wellbeing as a nation. Be it internal or external.
Àjàká Òkò! The ruthless wizard, the dreadlocked warrior king that became the most dreaded king left a good legacy to his children. In fact, he deserves a halo around his head. That is why we will give this image used to represent him a blue halo.
He was survived by another warrior son Aganjú. Does the name sound familiar? Yes, the same Aganjú that would be deified later for his exploit too.
The picture above is just a visual representation of a warrior and not necessarily his image.
Thank you very much.