•1. Don’t marrry a man or woman unless and until you’ll be proud to have kids like them. PERIOD.
•2. Be picky with who you invest your time in. Wasted time is worse than wasted money.
•3. Be yourself. It’s better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are NOT.
•4. Need good communcation in your relationship? Just stick to one rule: DON’T LISTEN TO REPLY. LISTEN TO UNDERSTAND.
•5. Forgive. Keep on forgiving if they’re actually worth it.
•6. Don’t cry over someone who doesn’t care for you because no man/woman is worth your tears, but once you find the one that is, he/she won’t make you cry.
•7. Have the courage to leave the table if RESPECT is no longer being served.
•8. Never hurt someone whose only intention was to love you. But do block them if they act creepy.
•9. We have the ones who will love us even if we cut them into pieces and the ones who will hate us even if we feed them pure honey. Choose people wisely. Chase people wisely.
•10. People are always capable of falling in love again.
•11. Some people are just the journey, not the destination. Understand the difference.
•12. Follow your heart, but take your brain with you. Because love is not blind or deaf, it’s plain dumb. People can see everything, hear everything but they still choose to ignore.
•13. Lastly, never enter into a relationship just because everbody else is doing the same. Being single by choice never goes out of style.