We saw a girl having sex in the room with a very huge guy. I quickly turned away my eyes and Suzan quickly shut the door.

We could tell that the two couples inside didn’t even care about the fact that we opened and closed the door.

“Oh sorry! I forgot to tell you that I have a crazy room mate”

I kept quiet and was feeling super bad.

“Come, let’s sit here and wait for them to finish”

“I think I should better just head to my own room”

“Oh! Ok, let me follow you just to see where your room is”

“Ok but please don’t expect much”

She laughed and then we began chatting while walking to my room which I eventually got to understand that it wasn’t far away from Suzan’s room.

“Welcome to my humble abode”

“Thank you!”

We both entered and Suzan was just busy looking at everywhere while I went to get water for her to drink.

“Thank you! What we saw in my room made me thirsty”

I looked at her with a puzzled face.

“Well, shouldn’t you have seen more of that since she is your roommate?”

“Well, you are right but I brought a visitor, so it was kind of embarrassing”

“Oh! Don’t worry about that”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, I am!”

After a time of gisting, laughing we decided to head back to her place. Some guys were busy whispering as we passed by because one thing is certain; Precious and Suzan were both very beautiful with back sides and front sides in tact.

While walking together we looked like siblings because we were both brown skinned and had pointed nose.

So, while the guys were whispering and some were calling unto us, we kept walking and blushing, you all know how it is.

“I just pray that girl is done”

“What do you mean? Does she stay longer than usual?” I asked

“She is the definition of sex addict and it is mostly because of money and material things just to show off in campus”

“Wow! That’s… that’s…”

We both laughed because I definitely lacked what to say.

“This thing you just said about her is making me thirsty”

“Copy copy” Suzan said as we both laughed

We got to the front of Suzan’s door and then we tried to knock but nobody was answering. Suzan knocked the door multiple times but it was damn quiet.

I tried knocking but the same thing.

“Make this girl no joke with me o”

And then with anger, Suzan opened the door and then what we saw almost made me swallow my tongue.


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