I couldn’t attend lectures any more for that day. Kate and I went straight home and were tired already but tiredness wasn’t my issue. The question was how do I call my parents? Even if I call them, what would I tell them is wrong? Wouldn’t they be disappointed at me? Especially with the fact that they thoroughly advised me before I left for school.

“Precious, you have to call them. I know it’s gonna be difficult but two things are sure; you are innocent and then God is your witness, isn’t that right?”

“Hmm… You are right but…”

“There’s no but!”

Kate took my phone and dialed my mother’s number which I saved with ‘Sweet Mother’ she held the phone until the call was answered and then she gave it to me which I reluctantly collected. I could hear my mother saying “hello my daughter… Hello” I looked at Kate and then I responded to my mother.

“Hello Mom!”

“How are you my daughter?”

“I’m fine Mom!”

“Why does your voice sound dull?”

I kept quiet.

“Precious talk to me. What is wrong?”

But I still kept quiet. Kate tapped me and urged me to say something but I was lacking confidence.

“Are you alright at all?”

“Mom, my VC asked me to tell you and daddy to come to the school tomorrow before 10am”


“Well, you see, I’m in a big mess”

“What did you do?”

“Mom, calm down! Someone I called friend is trying to frame me for something she did and she’d gone so far as to stage an evidence against me”

“What was the matter?”

“I don’t think I can explain it on phone. Why not you and dad should come much earlier tomorrow morning and then I will tell you guys about it before the meeting?”

“Alright but promise me you didn’t do anything wrong”

“I promise Mom. Please find a way to talk to my father for me. I will be expecting both of you tomorrow morning”

“Ok baby. Make sure you prayer about it o”

“I will Mom”

“Alright take care!”

I quickly ended the call and then I breath out a huge sigh of relieve.

“You see, I know it will make sense if you do it right away. Look at you now”

“Yea right… Thanks for that”

“Welcome Precious. Now what do we eat?”

“Right now I feel free. Let me do the cooking”

“No, let me do it!”

“I disagree simply because I want to take my mind of this issue. So I want to be busy”

“I have a better idea then”

“What is that?”

“Let’s do the cooking together”

“You are right!”

We got up and began the cooking process.

π π π
“I never thought they all will be so blind to notice that the video was fake” Suzan said happily

“I told you that it will work hard. From henceforth, trust technology” one of the young men said

“I knew it will work. Everything look real” the baba said

“I’m so happy but what next now?” Suzan asked

“Well, we go there tomorrow and then they will have to replay the video again and then I will stand as your parent because involving too much people is risky. It is now no longer about you Suzan but us because if you were to be found guilty, our operations may be exposed and so we must trade with caution”

“You are right Sir. I will just tell them that my parents are outside the country currently and that you are my guardian”

“Yea, that’s perfect and I think we should celebrate this first victory”

They all shouted and then one of the guys went and brought drinks and cups and then they began to drank and merry for their victory.

π π π

We were done eating and I was about to pack the plates when my phone rang. I picked it and then before I could say “hello”, the voice on the other side spoke so fast that if I wasn’t at alert, I would have not understood a thing.

I looked at Kate, she looked at me and then every hair on my body rose up because of what I heard.


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