My story is more like the normal traditional stories you’ve heard or read about BUT mine comes with a little difference.

My name is Precious and my family weren’t doing so well financially. We were not super poor but we were poor.

My parents had to work their fingers to bone in order to send me to tertiary institution so that it won’t be that in the whole neighborhood only Mr. Jackson’s daughter couldn’t go to school.

As the only child of my parents, I was giving the best and living in my neighborhood and seeing how other girls couldn’t get the best things, I learnt to appreciate my parents for giving me the best things even when they don’t have much.

I got into the University and as a fresher, I couldn’t understand why most girls do what they do in the hostel and also what most guys do in the hostels.

I wasn’t a dull girl and I don’t joke with my books. After sitting for hours, hearing advices and warnings from my parents before I left home for school, that alone should prompt me to do well in school.

In school, I came across girls of different types and kinds. The quiet ones, the lousy ones, the rich ones, the poor ones, the nonchalant ones, the serious ones and so many other type of girls.

A lot of guys kept coming my way but I had no time for them because I already know what they were after and to cap it all I was a virgin.

During my first few weeks in school, everything was good and I was trying to know how students operate in school.

On one sunny Thursday afternoon, I was at a restaurant in the school eating a plate of my favourite food (white rice and beans and stew) when a girl suddenly sat on the chair that was close to me.

I behaved as if I didn’t see her. She looked at me for a while but I didn’t respond and so she ordered the same dish as mine but I still didn’t respond.

The food was given to her and then she started eating it. From the way she was eating the white rice and beans, it was as if it was her first time to eat such kind of food but that is impossible right? This is Nigeria and White rice and beans is a basic food in this country.

“Now I understand why people eat this kind of food” the girl said

I paused for a second and then I continued eating without looking at her.

“I know you are hearing me but first of all I have to confess that white rice and beans is not bad. This is my first time eating this kind of food”

I almost led out a great kind of laughter but I held it in. How will a grown up girl in this country say this is the first time she has ever eating White rice and beans with stew? I thought I had to check her up and then I dropped my spoon, turned and looked at her from head to toe.

She looks rich but then even rich people cook this kind of food na. Abi na me no dey Nigeria again?

“Why are you staring at me like that?” She asked and then all of a sudden the laughter I was trying to control got better of me and then I didn’t even know when I began to laugh so loud that all other people in the restaurant began to look at me and without thinking twice I kept quiet while using gestures to apologize to them.

“So, what’s funny?” She asked

“Nothing really! You mean you haven’t tasted white rice and beans before?”

“Nope, I haven’t”

“This one touch me aswear babe. So why did you decide to taste it today?”

“Well, I’d been watching you for some weeks now. You seem to always eat this same kind of food whenever you enter this restaurant and I thought I must try it myself”

“So, you’ve been following me around?”

“Not really. Take me as an observant girl (she smiled)”

“Well this is my favourite kind of food and I may not sleep well if I don’t eat it at least once in a day”

“Wow! Not a bad meal though”

“Thank you!”

“I’m Suzan and this is my first year in this school”

“That’s cool! I’m also new here as you can see”

“What course are you studying?”

“Theatre Arts and you?”

“Mass communication”

“Alright! Nice to meet you Suzan”

“Same here Miss . . ..”

“Oh! I’m Precious”

“Nice to meet you Precious. Let me finish my new found meal”

We both laughed while we ate our food. We finished and then Suzan asked me to come see her room. I followed her but on opening the door our eyes or should I say my eyes met a scene I’d never expected or thought of.


Please share this story and who can guess what Precious saw?

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