The Suspicious Circumstances Surrounding Junior Pope’s Tragic Death

Unraveling the Mystery: The Suspicious Circumstances Surrounding Junior Pope’s Tragic Death

What killed Junior Pope was not an accident; nobody blocked my way. Everything seems to be spiritual manipulation,” the Boat captain revealed, indicating that Junior Pope seems to have been killed.

Before the boat trip, I asked everyone to come and take a life jacket, but they all refused. Later, two of them came up and took life jackets.

Before we embarked on the boat trip, Junior Pope told TC Virus that he had a bad dream about someone resembling the film producer chasing him with a knife. TC Virus told him to disregard the dream, saying it was just ordinary. TC Virus asked if Junior Pope prayed after the dream, and Junior Pope confirmed he did.

Nobody was recording any video on the boat. The other boat appeared suddenly, and despite my efforts to dodge it, my boat collided with it, causing it to capsize. Disregard everything people have been saying. The person who claimed to be the boat captain in a video is not the boat captain; disregard his information. I’ve been with the police, providing them with all the information they need. It’s disheartening to see TC Virus trying to blame me for everything.

Asabawood is evil. Junior Pope and I attended the same church in Asaba. Our pastor, Ebuka, warned him two weeks ago that people were after his life. Junior Pope was a rising star in Nollywood from the Asaba chapter, charging 1.5 million to appear in a movie, unlike others who charge 100k. This may be why Zuby Michael left Asaba when he was targeted.

You can arrest me, but the truth will come out. Let’s stop calling it an accident; it seems to be a calculated attack. I’ve given the police all the information they need.

When we were rescuing people, Junior Pope remained with others. As we were about to search for him, a man with a white beard who is also among us, suggested we rest a bit before continuing our search for junior pope.

TC Virus was the first person to write R.I.P for Junior Pope even before he was taken to the hospital.

There’s a lot to reveal about Junior Pope’s death. I lost my phone, which is why I haven’t been online. TC Virus was the one consistently saying they didn’t need life jackets. Even before the accident, I was the one who transported them at night, and none of them agreed to wear life jackets. We must provide life jackets to our customers, but we can’t force them to wear them. Now I’ve been sacked from my job as a boat driver, even though what happened wasn’t my fault. They’re trying hard to blame me.

The boat captain revealed a new video.

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