“The man you are dealing with is very dangerous as you have said. Please be safe”, Lucas thought as Mr. Lekan was going inside
Immediately, Lucas got off the car and went to hide waiting for Mr. Lekan to distract the son of the darkness. When Mr. Lekan got there, he was already chanting

“Hey! You son of the darkness! It’s high time you stopped whatever you have been doing”, Mr. Lekan shouted

“Who’s this old man? Little one, do you know him?”, He asked

Ada didn’t react to his questions, instead she was crying knowing that Mr. Lekan’s life was in danger

“You don’t need to know who I am, you devil!”
As Mr Lekan was talking to him, Lucas was busy untying Ada, when he finished, the son of the darkness saw then running away. He tried running after them but Mr Lekan stopped him from running after them. He pushed him away and they started fighting each other.
“No!!!”, Lucas shouted seeing Mr Lekan being beaten by the son of the darkness. He left Ada and went to the son of the darkness to fight him. As Lucas was fighting him, Mr. Lekan was reading the book to lock him up forever
After a while, Mr. Lekan did as the book instructed, tapped into the forbidden power to lock the son of the darkness up forever.

He started turning into ash and later disappeared into a thin air. Mr Lekan was still Struggling to survive but as it was written in the book, anybody that tapped into the forbidden power will die. Ada and Lucas started crying until Mr Lekan gave up the ghost.

Before he died, he said, “Lucas, don’t cry. I’ve prepared myself for this since I knew he was the son of darkness, and I told you to prepare yourself for my Death also. So don’t cry too much. Ada, my daughter, I have nothing to tell you other than for you to take care of yourself”

As the days passed, Lucas and Ada grieved the loss of Mr. Lekan. They held a funeral for him, and it was well-attended by the townspeople.

Everyone spoke highly of Mr. Lekan and his dedication to helping others. As they laid him to rest, they knew that his legacy would live on.

In the days that followed, Lucas and Ada tried to move on with their lives. But they couldn’t help but feel a sense of emptiness without Mr. Lekan in their lives. They knew that they would always miss him, but they also knew that they had to go on living. They had to continue helping others, just as Mr. Lekan had done. And so, they set out to do just that.

One day, as they were walking through the town, they came across a young girl who was crying. They stopped and asked her what was wrong. She told them that her mother was ill and that they didn’t have enough money to pay for her medicine. They were so poor that they didn’t know what to do.

Hearing this, Lucas and Ada knew what they had to do. They took the girl and her mother to the local healer, who was able to provide the necessary medicine. The girl and her mother were so grateful that they hugged Lucas and Ada and thanked them profusely. But Lucas and Ada knew that they were just doing what Mr. Lekan would have wanted them to do.

From that day on, Lucas and Ada made it their mission to help those in need. They would go out into the town, looking for those who were struggling, and they would do what they could to make their lives a little bit better. And they always did it with a smile, just like Mr. Lekan did.

As Lucas and Ada continued their work in the town, they began to notice a change. The people seemed happier and more hopeful. And they started to realize that their efforts were making a difference. They could see that Mr. Lekan’s spirit was still with them, guiding them to do good in the world.

In time, Lucas and Ada became known as the town’s guardian angels. They were always there to lend a helping hand, no matter what the need maybe and even though Mr. Lekan was gone, his legacy lived on through them. They had taken his mission to heart, and they would continue to carry it out for as long as they could.

And so, Lucas and Ada went on, spreading kindness and compassion wherever they went. Their lives were full and rich, and they knew that Mr. Lekan would be proud of them. They had found a way to honor him by living out his mission and helping others. And they knew that he would always be with them, in their hearts and in their actions.


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