Ada groaned in pains as she regained consciousness
Where am I? She thought as she stared around. She could see nothing but vast lands and some rocks.
A desert? She thought again.
She tried to raise a hand to assist her in sitting up but her hand wouldn’t move. She tried her second hand and both legs.
She realized she has been tied to a table
“Shit this idiot tied me!” She thought as she struggled on the table
“You’re awake? What a feisty little thing you are” he chuckled and dropped the bowl he was holding beside her.
“Don’t worry sweetheart it will all be over soon”

The book is here somewhere! Keep searching Lucas, keep searching!” Mr lekan said urgently as he continued searching his bookshelf. They have been searching for the book for almost an hour now. The apartment has been turned upside down but there was still no sign of the mysterious book.
“Yes! Here it is! I’ve found it. Now hurry let’s get into the car we need to get to her before the eclipse starts!”
They both got into the car, ignited it and drove off.
“How do you know where he’ll be? What if he’s not there?” Lucas asked as he drove through the narrow path.
“It’s here in the book! When the blood moon eclipses the sun, under the darkness of the eclipse in the land of the vermin he shall come back to claim a virgin. And where we are going is the only land if vermin I know. ”
” Let’s just hope he’s there” Lucas muttered as he stepped on the accelerator.

“It’s starting it’s starting!” He said excitedly as he stared up at the moon moving closer towards the sun. You’ll be at rest soon” he muttered and squeezed her palm as if he was comforting her.
What kind of comfort is that? She’s going to die and he’s comforting her
Her killer is comforting her! That’s funny
Ada couldn’t believe her ears
She’ll be fine soon? When he finally ends her life? She stared intently at the moon and pray for it to move back into the clouds
‘ I want to live! I still have a lot of things planned. I have so many things I want to do. I can’t die like this. I can’t die now!” She wanted to shout. But if course that is not possible so she did the only thing she knows how to do… Closed her eyes and prayed as she waited for death.
She could hear him chanting beside her. Something was crawling all over her skin but she was too scared to open her eyes.
The more he chanted, the more she prayed.
“It’s time” he muttered as he stared at the moon covering the sun.
Ada felt a piercing pain on her neck. She could feel her blood on her skin. It was warm and it scared the shit out of her. Is he collecting my blood in the bowl? She thought.
He lifted up the bowl filled with Ada’s blood to the sky and shouted.
” Flower flower Bloom and glow.
Turn the hands of time for me
Let the flesh cover the rots
Run into the underworld and bring back what was once mine!
What was once mine!!!….”
He laughed excitedly as the winds started blowing fiercely.
Black flowers were shooting out from the ground. They kept growing and growing till they formed a shed over them.
“Yes! Yes! Bring it to me! Yes!” He said and laughed hysterically.

Ada could feel herself wetting her pants as she lay helpless on the table. Her blood was boiling. She couldn’t take it anymore. She was In pains. She writhed and writhed on the table. It’s hot
It’s hot! She couldn’t take it anymore. She was going to explode
“God!!!” She cried out in agony. Her voice hoarse from not using it for too long
“God!” She said breathlessly.
“God I know I’m not worthy to demand anything from you. But I prayed! I prayed every single day of my life.
I prayed!” She cried
“You can’t watch me getting killed for what I didn’t do. You can’t watch me dieing like this! I want to live!!” She cried as she wanted heavily
“I’m in pains oh God. It hurts. You-y-you’re the one that said that the darkness can never overcome the light.
Where are you now! I know it’s a sin to doubt you but in beginning to think you don’t exist! If truly you exist then help me! Show me that you care! Show me that truly you are the almighty. Show me that he is nothing compared to you! I want to live!” She cried desperately.

“There! Stop the car here!” Mr lekan said as he pointed at the shed of flowers.
“I’m going to go inside now.
We have to distract him so he can stop chanting. While I’m distracting him, you’ll take the lady far away ”
“But what about you?”
“I’ll be gone my son. It’s time we end this once and for all. I’ll go by the book once more and lock him away forever” he said determinedly
“But it will cost you your life!!” Lucas yelled
“I know”…


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