She curled up beside the altar as she waited for death. Everything happening was a blur. She couldn’t understand who she offended. Who decided to torture her by sending this monster to ruin her life. What has she done. Ada was tired. The past few weeks had taken a toll on her. She was exhausted.

The sounds of death around her did nothing to calm her down. The cries of horror and pain. The smell of blood…

When it was all over, he walked menacingly toward s her and glared at her for a while.
Ada took that chance to take a good look at her predator before he decides to end her life.

Apart from the blood covering him, his face looks normal. He would have passed for a teenager.

‘ he’s handsome’ she thought.
Then her eyes went lower to his neck and chest
‘oh God!’ she squealed inwardly. What the hell is this?. She couldn’t bring herself to check him out anymore. She moved back in fright.

He took a step closer to her and raised her up with her neck.

Ada struggled hard not to puke at the sight of maggots wiggling on his hands and body not to talk of the nasty smell emanating from him.
He tightened his hand around her neck and smiled charmingly.

“Good to see you again little prey. Sorry about your friends but they were trying to stop me from seeing you” his voice was hoarse and empty.
Ada was frozen in his arms

She couldn’t bring herself to struggle.

Then suddenly, he released her.

“See you soon prey. When the blood moon eclipses the sun. I will be back to claim you!” And just like that, he was gone. His voice echoing in the church.

‘noooo!!!!!!’ come back and end this! Kill me!!? Ada wanted to say.
Why? Why the hell are you torturing me? Who are you?.
She stared around the church and opened her mouth in shock.

Bile rose from her stomach to her throat as she vomited.
She crawled to Lucy’s headless body and held it tightly as she cried.

Ten minutes ago, this woman held her hand as she introduced her to their priest with a lovely smile on her lips.

Few hours ago, they were cleaning the house together.

Few hours ago she couldn’t contain her excitement as she told Ada about her son.
Minutes ago, she whispered to Ada’s ear that she would love her to get together with her son.
Few minutes ago…

It all feels like a million years.
Ada’s world came crashing down before her as she shook Lucy’s body gently.

The sound of siren was not powerful enough to break the trance she was in.

She could neither see nor feel anything apart from Lucy’s cold and lifeless body in her arms. She walked quietly as the police took her away from the crime scene.

“Did she open up?” Inspector Lucas asked his colleague as the lady came out of the interrogation room.

She shook her head and sighed as she walked past him.

He pushed open the door and stared at Ada for a while before he went in and sat down in front of her

“Hello” he said softly. But Ada did not reply.

She gave no indication of hearing him.
She sat there in her bloody clothes. Twisting her fingers as she stared at him as if she was seeing through him

“You know at some point you have to open up and let us help right?. You’re our only hope of knowing what happened back at the church” he tried again but it was futile.

“Did you kill them? Did something possess you that made you kill everyone? Were you the only one that did it or did you have accomplices? Who are they? Where are they? Are you keeping quiet to cover them up?” He fired questions at her but Ada was uncooperative as she stared right at his chest without blinking. She seemed to be lost in thought.

“Hey!” He yelled and banged his hand on the table. She raised her head and stared at him with tears in her eyes.

The amount of fear in her eyes piqued Lucas’s curiosity. This lady seems to be afraid of something.

Her eyes seems to be telling him something but he couldn’t understand
He wouldn’t understand unless she told him.
She seemed to have witness what she shouldn’t have. Something that broke her…

“Hey it’s fine… You’ll be fine ok? I’m here to help. Let’s go out for me fresh air and then you can tell me what happened”. He coaxed.

This woman couldn’t have a hand in the massacre.

The kind of fear in her was something someone couldn’t fake. It really seems as if there’s something out there on the loose that did the killing. And inspector Lucas is hell bent on finding out what..


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