Everything that we saw was strange to us. Like I said, I and my father haven’t attended church service for a very long time. It was obvious that we had lost touch of so many things regarding church.

We found two chairs at the back and then we sat down almost the same time.

“You can now bring your prayers to a close” the man on the alter instructed and then little by little I could hear people ending their prayers and wailing.

“You may all take your seat (the church became filled with the noise of random movements of chairs) Brethren, I am not worthy to stand before you today in order to lead you in prayers and in Scriptures. I myself was left behind even though I was a good member of this church but I wasn’t a good follower of Christ.

For those of you who are wondering why I didn’t follow the others, well I drink alcohol, I womanize even as a married man, I cheat people and so much more but I usually pretend whenever I attend church services.

My wife and child were raptured and I know so many of you had also lost your loved ones (I turned around and I could see people still weeping, my dad was not an exception. I did missed my mother and kid sister but I wasn’t ready for all that ceremony. Nothing would make me follow what the man on the pulpit would say)

It is now certain that if you are present here, it means you’ve missed the rapture and a lot await us but don’t give up. God had provided us with a second chance to escape damnation”

Then a man raised his hand.

“Yes, you have a question?”

“Yes Sir!”

“Please ask”

The man cleared his throat.

“I’m confused here. How true of a fact is this second chance thing? Is it possible?”

The man on the alter smiled.

“Salvation After The Rapture.
After the rapture, everyone alive on planet earth can become a Christian. The book of Revelation teaches us that after the rapture the gospel will still be preached and people will still become Christians. Many will be saved during the tribulation. For example, there will be 144,000 witnesses (Revelation 7:1-8), two witnesses (Revelation 11:1-10) and an angel who will preach the “eternal gospel” (Revelation 14:6-20) to tell others about Jesus Christ. In response many will believe in Jesus Christ. For example, Revelation 6:9-11 refers to believers in Christ who died during the tribulation. Revelation 7:9-17 is another description of people who became believers in Christ. That is, the gospel will be preached during the tribulation after the rapture, and many will become Christians. Therefore, will there be a second chance to become a Christian after the rapture? Yes, there is a chance to become a Christian after the rapture”

I turned and looked at my dad, he was definitely falling into it but I wouldn’t.

“There’s no time now but we shall talk on our next meeting. Please if you have not given your life to Christ, this is a huge chance for you. Please come forward, let’s pray together” the man on the alter announced and then I could see people moving forward towards him. My dad also followed them.


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