He saw the dress of his wife and child on the dining chairs. The whole scene made it certain that his wife and child were definitely seated on the dining.

He couldn’t believe his eyes. All the discussions and quarrels he has had with his wife because of the new church she decided to attend began to flush purely into his memory.

He sat down on one of the chairs and then slowly he began to cry so bitterly because deep within him, he knew the worst days haven’t even come.

Then all of a sudden, a question hit him ‘what next’

If this is rapture, then what next? What must I do next? (He thought within himself) and then he remembered the BIBLE.

You see, my dad was a serious church goer but that was before my Mom decided to change her place of worship.

He was always in church and was one of the serving elders even though he wasn’t as pure as he should be. He stopped going to church gradually and then finally simply because the new place of worship my mother decided to go to only preach about salvation, the coming of Christ, rapture, heaven, hell fire, sin and sinners etc

They rarely talk about prosperity and things of the world. He, well not just he but I also don’t like hearing those kind of sermons. I prefer to hear about how I could get rich, get wealthy, get cars and how I can leave a good life. Both of us didn’t really value the fact of heaven, hell fire, salvation and the others.

He went straight to where he knows his wife usually keep a spare Bible. He held the Bible but didn’t even know how to start but one thing is certain, if he is to know what to do next and how to save himself and maybe others, he must search the scriptures to see whether there is any clue as to the event of rapture.

For the first time in so many years, Mr. Enoch closed his eyes and then with tears falling from his eyes he prayed to God for guidance, knowledge, wisdom and understanding of the Bible.

On opening the Bible, an envelope fell from it. He quickly picked it up and on the envelope was boldly written TO MY DEAR HUSBAND. His hands began to tremble. Should he open it? Was the letter for him? He thought but of cause it was for him and then he opened it.

“My Dear Husband, you know how much I’d always loved you. I am writing this letter just in case you one day need the Bible. The more I study the Scriptures, the more I realize that little by little the world may end soon.

This letter was written by me to direct you on what to do next in case you miss the rapture. Darling, nobody should deceive you, the rapture is real, hell and heaven is real.

In case you find yourself left behind, please as soon as you find this letter check the last page of the spare Bible and you will find a disc please watch it and you will be guided on what to do next.

Don’t be discouraged, there’s still hope for those who were left behind but except that the experiences of the last days won’t be kind to any one alive.

Please join hands together with our daughter and make sure we meet in heaven. I really don’t even know why I am writing this letter but I just hope that we all wouldn’t be left behind as a family.

I wish you the best my Love and I will always love you till eternity.

From your beloved Wife.”

Mr. Enoch dropped the letter and began to cry. Little by little he began to see the folly in everything he had been doing before that time.

“God, I’ve wasted 50+ years on earth” he said to himself and then he quickly took the disc, went to the sitting room and then inserted the disc into his disc player. He was so curious as to the content of the disc.

“Good day brethren, by the mercies of God, I am the Pastor of Holiness Revival Movement. God wasn’t sleeping when he decided to give humanity this movement so that they could make it to heaven through the undiluted word of Christ.

It was laid in my heart to record the following instructions in case of death or rapture and I will keep the disc in my office but will share some copies to some devoted members.

Sinners will not be raptured but in case you find yourself not raptured, don’t give up. There’s always a second chance but make sure you give your life to Christ, study the Scriptures extensively and pray for God’s guidance because the world would never be the same again after the rapture.

The things you find interesting, they won’t interest you any more. The sweet sins and calamity you love enjoying, you won’t enjoy them any more. The material things and mundane things of the world that you’ve held so dear, you won’t see their use any more if you miss the rapture….”

Suddenly, the door opened heavily and then Mr. Enoch turned with fear but there was his only surviving daughter standing and looking helpless.


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