I tried dialling my mother’s number, it was ringing but nobody was picking it.

“What’s happening? Is this really rapture? Or is it an alien invasion?” I asked myself but it seems I wasn’t the only one confused about it.

I decided to start walking towards home, it was a long distance but then I had to walk because there was no moving vehicle. People were in so much fear to enter taxi or buses because of the accidents.

“I saw two people disappeared but they left their clothes behind. I saw it with my own eyes” I overheard a woman explaining to another woman while in tears

“I can’t find my husband and my daughter. They were right beside me but look (she showed the two women some clothes she was carrying) these were their clothes” another woman said

“Well, it seems a lot of people are in it. This is surely the greatest event in the history of mankind but I have a question (I slowed down just to hear more of their discussions) I’ve heard about this occurrence in church before even though I’m not an ardent church goer. Emm.. They call it RAPTURE”

“Are you normal at all? Jesus isn’t coming back any time soon. That was what my Pastor told us and I believe him so much” one of the women said

“Well, don’t you think maybe the aliens are behind the disappearance of our love ones? We’ve seen it in movies countless times. Maybe the government know something about it” another woman said

I stopped for a while, thought of what they’ve said so far and then I continued walking home.

π π π

Pilot Enoch related his decision to immediately land the plane at the nearest runway to the passengers via the loud speaker and there were confusions as to what was happening.

He tried to get radio signals just yo hear whether the disappearance is everywhere around the world and if cause he got the answer he wanted to get.

Everywhere around the world is in panic. Some group of people have started spreading the news of RAPTURE all around the internet but the Government kept debunking the news and called it a fake news.

“We urge our fellow humans to remain calm as the Government of every country are trying to get to the bottom of this current disaster. We are sure that what happened today isn’t the rapture as some group of Christians believe it to be. We don’t know what it is for now but we shall relate every detail of it to you once we’ve gotten our facts”

These were the words of the President via his spokesperson. Pilot Enoch drew a huge breath and decided to go ahead with his plan to land the plane.

After contacting the tower, he was cleared to land but was given instructions as to how he was expected to land due to the fact that the whole place was already a mess. There was no much spaces around the runway. The government had to get volunteers to move and rearrange a lot of things.

He finally landed and then passengers began to exit the plane to go look for their family and loved ones.

Pilot Enoch immediately tried his daughter’s number but it wasn’t connecting. He dialled it over five times but had to just drop a voicemail.

“Hello dear, please call me once you are able to”

He tried his wife number but the same issue kept occurring. Deep within, he knew if the disappearance is rapture, his wife and last child wouldn’t be on earth any more because he could testify that they were both the epitome of holiness and so he went to get a cab but none could be found. The only one he found was charging him triple of what he normally use to pay.

“Oga, why is your own high?” He asked

“High? Oh, you still haven’t realized what the world is into now? Well to be sincere, if you don’t enter this cab, you won’t see another cab till later in the evening because we are reshuffling the whole thing”

“And why is that?”

“You are really not a human. Boss, look around you. People have died, there are accidents everywhere, vehicles are now scarce, the route we take daily for driving has been scattered with metals, wood and so many things that stands as obstacle”

“So, you want me to pay you what you asked for?”

“You still dey ask again? Pay and then we go to your destination”

“Well, just drive”

He entered the cab and then he was taking home. He rushed down and couldn’t even collect his balance because of hot his blood was.

He stomped into the house.

“Honey! Baby girl!” He called out but no one was answering. He checked the bedroom but nobody was there. He immediately ran to the kitchen and on turning to the dining what he saw shocked him so hard.


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