… Promises to Strengthen Democratic Institutions in the State

The Rivers State House of Assembly, on Friday, at its 99th Legislative Sitting, has overridden the assent of the Governor to four Bills which were earlier passed and sent to Governor Siminialayi Fubara for his assent.

The House took the decision to override the Governor’s assent after the Governor withheld his assent to the four Bills via letters to the House, which were read on the floor of the House; stating that such amendments would create confusion and breach constitutional provisions.

Remarking on the Rivers State House of Assembly Fund Management Bill, which was represented by the Majority Leader, Hon. Major Jack, and debated by Members, the Speaker, Rt. Hon. Martin Chike Amaewhule, cited Section 100(5) of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 as altered, which empowers the House to override the Governor, where the Governor withholds his assent. The Speaker then put the question and the 24 Members present unanimously agreed to override the Governor.

In like manner, the Rivers State Local Government Law (Amendment) Bill, the Rivers State Traditional Rulers’ Law (Amendment) Bill, and the Rivers State Advertisement and Use of State-owned Property Prohibition (Repeal) Bill were all represented, debated, and voted upon with a unanimous decision to override the Governor’s assent.

Speaking on the decision of the House on the Bills, the Speaker, Rt. Hon. Amaewhule emphasized that reason adduced by the Governor for withholding assent on the Local Government Amendment Bill appears to be anticipatory and tailored toward creating a situation that would make holding of election in the State impracticable, because the amendment curtailed the powers of the Governor in suspending Local Government Council Chairmen and appointment of Caretaker Committees.

Commenting further, Rt. Hon. Amaewhule described the amendment to the Rivers State Traditional Rulers’ Law as innocuous and wondered why the Governor declined assent; adding that the House amended the law to include a resolution of the House in the recognition, de-recognition or suspension of traditional rulers the state to curb arbitrariness.

On the repeal of the Rivers State Advertisement and Use of State-owned Property (Prohibition)Law No. 7 of 2022, the Speaker remarked that the House decided to repeal the law so as not to financially overburden the people of the State and impede their access to use of state-owned facilities; but regretted that the Governor withheld assent to all these people oriented Bills.

He enthused that the House would continue to strengthen democratic institutions and ethos in the State; and instructed the Clerk of the House to ensure that copies of all these laws that have now assumed the garb of law by virtue of section 100(5) be transmitted to relevant Ministries, Departments and Agencies.

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