During the Civil war of 1967-1970, the Nigeria Army backed by Britain led a genocidal war on Biafra a largely Igbo dominated area of former Eastern Nigeria turned Biafra.

The man behind the media in Biafra was Okoko Ndem from Ikoneto in Odukpani Local Government Area of Cross River State) . During the advent of Biafra he was declared the MOST WANTED MAN IN NIGERIA after OJUKWU Because of the way and manner he reported About the war. Some of his words were:-

1.Biafra has a military that no force in Africa can defeat.

2. The whole 2nd Division of the Nigerian Army is dead Happing now at Abagana.

3. We have developed a nuclear war head (Ogbunigwe) That will wipe out Nigerian Army.

4. Awolowo has assured us that as soon as we secede, West will follow.

5. Nigeria is committing genocide against Igbo.

6. Nigeria has blockade Biafra to cause starvation in Biafra.

7. Yorubas are complaining that the war is lasting too long. They will soon throw-in the towel and leave only Northerners to fight Biafra. It will be easier to defeat the Northerners!

8. It is the British, the Russians and Egyptians that are helping Nigeria to have upper hand!

The Governor of Cross River State, Mr. Donald Duke, said the late Okokon Ndem handled the propaganda of Biafra to the extent that neither Nigeria nor its opponent was sure of the real situation, a development which informed the announcement by General Yakubu Gowon (rtd) “as no victor no vanquished verdict at the end of the war.”

A typical event that will bring out the absurdity and fun of the whole drama. Is the capture of Enugu. Let us assume that the time is 13.00 hours (1.00 p.m.) which is the normal time for the National News Network Broadcasts in Nigeria. The Nigerian Newscaster in Enugu would say: “This is Radio Nigeria broadcasting from Enugu, the Capital of East Central State. Here is the News. The Nigerian Army has now taken full control of Enugu and is doing mopping up exercises in the adjoining villages. Meanwhile, life is returning to normal in the town and the Nigerian Red Cross is distributing food to the refugees who have whole-heartedly embraced the Nigerian soldiers who liberated them from Ojukwu’s clutches. A new Civilian Administrator, Mr. Ukpabi Asika, has been appointed by the Head of State, Lt. Col. Yakubu Gowon. Mr. Ukpabi Asika will soon move to Enugu to assume duties”

At the same time, on Radio Biafra (situated somewhere outside Enugu), the newscaster would say: “This is Radio Biafra broadcasting from Enugu, the capital of Biafra. Here is the news read by Okoko Ndem. The sporadic shelling you have been hearing in Enugu has been found to be perpetrated by saboteurs who planned to kill General Ojukwu, the Head of State of Biafra and to hand over Biafra back to Gowon. The locations of these saboteurs have been found out and the saboteurs are being rounded up. Please keep calm, be vigilant and go about your normal businesses. The ring leaders, Lt. Col. Banjo, Major Ifeajuna and Civilian Major Alele have been captured, tried and executed by firing squad. General Ojukwu, the Head of State and Commander-in-Chief of the Biafran Armed Forces congratulate all those who assisted in flushing out all these saboteurs. Long live Biafra. Igbo Kwenu; Anyi ga adi kwanu? Eh, anyi ga adi. (English translation of the Igbo phrases are: “The Masses please respond; shall we all survive? Yes, we
shall survive”)

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