Gworok, also known as Gworog (Hausa: Kagoro)

Gworok, also known as Gworog (Hausa: Kagoro), is a large town in southern Kaduna State, Middle Belt Nigeria. It is located in the Kaura Local Government Area. Gworok is a Christian-dominated town. It is home to many missionaries, attracted by the cool weather and relatively high altitude. Gworog has a post office. Other places in Kagoro are Malagum and Tum.

Gworog is attractive for tourists because of its mountainous scenery and cultural events such as the Afan Festival, a National festival which is celebrated annually on 1 January.

Gworog is notable for its Afan National Festival, celebrated on January 1 of every year, with people coming from different parts of the country to join the celebration.

The Gworog (Kagoro) Chiefdom was created in 1905 by the British colonial administration as one of the three independent Districts in Southern Zaria province (now Southern Kaduna). As of 2020, it is a First-Class Chiefdom with its capital at Ucyo (H. Fadan Kagoro). Its rulers, as are known by the name, “Əgwam.”

During the long reign of the late Chief Dr. Gwamna Awan (MBE, OON), Gworog was considered strategic during political campaigning, as politicians would visit him to receive his blessing and endorsement. The current as of early 2021 is Əgwam Əgworog (Chief of Gworog (Kagoro)) Əgwam Ufuwai Bonet (CON).

The people of Gworog (the Əgworog) speak Gworog language.

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