Everyone has certain things they don’t like doing

Everyone has certain things they don’t like doing.

Whether it’s cleaning, laundry, going to the dentist, filing taxes or dealing with annoying coworkers. There is always a long list of dreaded tasks and chores that we all hate doing, but have to get done anyway.

Peter Hollins provides practical tips and strategies for tackling those things and he breaks down how to make the unpleasant feel more manageable in his book “How to Do the Things You Hate.”

For example, the book suggested turning cleaning into a game by setting a timer and racing against the clock. Or, putting on some fun music to listen to while taking a bath.

The core idea is that we often build these tasks up in our minds to be much worse than they actually are. Hollins coaches the reader on mental tricks to reframe their perspective. He suggests finding ways to gamify or add fun elements to boring routines. The book also emphasizes getting started as the hardest part, and provides motivation for overcoming procrastination.

Written in a lighthearted, conversational style, the book is an easy read packed with personal anecdotes and real-world examples. Hollins comes across as someone who has grappled with his own list of undesirable tasks and developed coping mechanisms over time.

While the tips themselves are relatively simple and straightforward, Hollins makes a compelling case that the real battle is mental. If we can coach ourselves to not anticipate misery, the unpleasant doesn’t have to be so unpleasant after all.

Overall, it’s a quick, digestible read that serves as a practical pep talk for forming better habits and conquering personal obstacles. If you are looking for a relatable guide on motivation and mindset reframing, you will find this a useful resource.

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