Doukas Gaitatzis (1879 – 1938)

Doukas Gaitatzis (1879 – 1938)

From Serres in Macedonia, he was a Macedonian Fighter and Chieftain during the Macedonian Struggle (1904-08). He also took part in the Balkan Wars (1912-13).

He was brought up in one of the wealthiest families in Serres, as they had their own textile factory. Despite this, Doukas Gaitatzis as early as 1900, was part of local defence coalitions. He was mainly involved in disrupting Bulgarian plans in Macedonia, as well as passing on information to the Greek consul about their activities.

After he was identified by the Bulgarians of his actions, he left for Athens, where he met up with Georgios Tsontos, the great Greek warrior from Crete who would become a hero in Macedonia.

At the start of the Macedonian Struggle in 1904, under the nom de guerre of “Kapetan Zervas”, Gaitatzis found himself fighting in western Macedonia, mainly throughout Giannitsa.

By late 1905, Gaitatzis became leader of his own force and moved his operations to eastern Macedonia, fighting closer to his home town of Serres.

At the outbreak of the Balkan Wars, Gaitatzis once again took up arms throughout eastern Macedonia, helping to liberate the town of Eleftheroupoli.

He would also, as a member of Ioannis Metaxas’ party, be voted in as a member representing Serres in 1936.

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