Rasputin has been infamously tied to the ill-fated Romanov family.

Some may even say, that he was the cause of their destruction.

Whatever one may think about him: powerful mystic or drunken fruitcake, he wormed his way into the hearts of the Imperial family and flittered around them, like a fly around manure.

? Over time, Rasputin came to influence the Russian royals too much, causing the displeasure of many members of the Russian nobility.

This, combined with his drunkenness and lechery, led to several Russian nobles forming a plot to assassinate him.

? On the night of December 29/30, 1916, Rasputin was invited to Moika Palace in St. Petersburg.

Upon arrival, Rasputin was taken to a dining room in the basement.
He was given cakes and wine, laced with cyanide, all to no effect.

He was then shot in the back, and slumped to the floor.

To their horror, Rasputin started to cough and they realized he was still alive!

? Rasputin slowly opened both his eyes, and suddenly leapt up from the floor, with a ‘Devil’s look’ in his eyes, and a wild scream.

Rasputin made it outside, and began to stumble through the snow.

Once again, he was shot twice, in the back, and in the head.
He was then beaten with a truncheon, wrapped in a cloth, and finally, they threw his body into the freezing Malaya Nevka River……

? When the body was retrieved from the river two days later, it appeared as if Rasputin had tried to claw his way out from the ice.

He had finally died from drowning, after being unsuccessfully poisoned, shot three times and beaten.

He was buried in secret to avoid desecration.

? Thus ended Grigory Yefrimovich Rasputin, but one thing is for sure.
There seemed to be something monstrous and unholy, in his absolute refusal to succumb to his injuries…….

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