Annual Thanksgiving Service Of King Festus Babari Paago, King Of Gokana Kingdom.

Annual Thanksgiving Service Of King Festus Babari Paago, King Of Gokana Kingdom.

Gokana kingdom held its annual Thanksgiving at Anglican Church, Deken community, Gokana LGA.

The event marks the new year get together of the GOKANA DIVISIONAL COUNCIL OF TRADITIONAL RULERS and an annual THANKSGIVING SERVICE by HRM KING FESTUS BABARI PAAGO BAGIA, GBEREMENE and Natural Ruler of Gokana Kingdom, GBERESAAKOO XIII, ERABAMENE, ERABAGIAA at Anglican church Deken community.

The King in his address at the church said him and his council were in the church to thank God for his mercies, favour, protection and most importantly the Peace that is currently enjoyed in Gokana.

He prayed God to continue to bless and protect his people and sustain the peace in the Kingdom.

Gifts were shared to members of the council and other Gokana people present at the palace.

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