25 Facts About Africa You May Not Know

25 Facts About Africa You May Not Know

1. ?? As Funny As It May Sound, Gambians vote using marbles
2. ?? Equatorial Guinea is the only Spanish-speaking country in Africa, having become independent from Spain on October 12, 1968.

3. ?? A person from Niger is called a Nigerien
4. ?? Angola has more Portuguese speakers than Portugal.
5. ?? There is a sacred crocodile pool in Bakau

6. ?? Haile Selassie 1 was the 225th and last Emperor of Ethiopia.

7. ?? South Africa, the ? rainbow nation ?️‍? is the country with the most Grammy Awards wins in Africa.

8. Before colonial rule, Africa was once made up of 10,000 different states and autonomous groups, each with their own very distinct languages and unique customs.


10. AFRICA TOOK PART IN THE SHORTEST WAR EVER RECORDED IN HISTORY. The war began in August 1896 and it was between Zanzibar and Great Britain. It started because the British did not accept the succession of Sultan Khalid bin Barghash after the previous pro-British Sultan Hamad bin Thuwaini. As British forces attacked the palace grounds, war broke out but the battle only lasted 38 minutes before Sultan Khalid bin Barghash raised the white flag of surrender. He later fled to German East Africa whilst the British took matters into their own hands and appointed a new Sultan.

11. ? The whole human race is from the African origin. The oldest known skeletal found of anatomically modern human beings

12. ?? Tanzania is home to the tallest mountain in Africa and one of the tallest mountains in the world! Can you name it? That’s right, it’s Mount Kilimanjaro, which towers over the country at a height of almost 20,000 feet!

13. ? Africa has the highest number of rich cultural heritage, with many different languages, religions, and traditions.

14. ? Africa has the highest number of borrowed/adopted official language than any other continent. The official languages of many countries in Africa include English, Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian and Arabic.

15. Despite Africans having her own religious beliefs. Christianity and Islam remains the largest religions in Africa.

16. ?? Africa has a rich history dating back to some of the earliest human civilizations. The Egyptians were one of the earliest civilizations in Africa and developed one of the world’s first writing systems.

17. Africa was once home to a number of powerful empires, including the Ghana Empire, the Mali Empire, Benin and the Songhai Empire

18. The European colonization of Africa began in the late 15th century and led to the Scramble for Africa in the 19th century.

19. Africa is filled with the biggest, fastest, and scariest animals on earth.

20. There are more French speakers in Africa than in France.

21. ?? Nigeria is home to a huge film industry that often ranked as the second largest in the world by the sheer volume of films made.

22. ?? South Africa was the only African country in history to dismantle its nuclear weapons program in the name of world peace.

23. There are at least 2100 languages spoken by the people of Africa with some estimates reach closer to 3,000 languages.

24. Nearly half of all the gold ever mined has come from one place an area in South Africa known as Witwatersrand.

25. ?? Despite the fact that Nigeria is a republic, but there are over 150 regional Nigerian Kings who derive their stages from the independent states and communities that existed before the country existed in its current form.

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