“Here I am” I repeated the second time and then one of the guys came forward.

“Bodo, so you are Precious”

“Yes, I am. What’s happening?”

“You were the one that scattered my job yesterday in the hotel right”

I was shocked to hear that!

“Me? Scatter? Hotel? When? How? I… it wasn’t me”

“Really? It wasn’t you? Well while running away, you dropped this bracelet that carries your name”

He brought out the bracelet and it was exactly like my own with my name on it and I was surprised. I began to stuttered.

“I… I didn’t go to any hotel. It wasn’t me”

And then all of a sudden, I began to hear small small side talks from the students around.

“She behave as if she is a saint but look at her now”

“Her new name should be Bodo”

“So she even sleep with guys in hotels”

My head began to spin as all of their words kept getting into my head.

“Don’t ever in your miserable life interfere with our business again or else you won’t find it funny”

One of the guys said and then they left. All other students kept murmuring with each other while I stood in the middle CONFUSED and also trying to reason the whole matter.

I don’t have a spare bracelet. I have only one and then how comes this one was found in the hotel and it was exactly like my own.

My father made it specially for me. It wasn’t something that was sold in the market.

I kept asking questions of myself until tears began dropping from my eyes.

I went into the room and then few minutes later Suzan came in and was looking very sharp. She came in with food items and some fried chicken for both of us.

I told her what happened before she came in and she was very mad at the situation.

“Assuming I was there, I would have taught them a lesson. Are you the only Precious in the whole wide world? Moreover, you are not the hotel type and I’m sure you are not the only one with that kind of bracelet”

“Hmmm… I really don’t know what to do now because the students are now looking down on me. My reputation is now on a very tiny line Suzan. What do I do?”

“Do nothing babe. Just calm down, eat what I brought for us and then with time everything will go back to normal. Maybe the guys made a mistake”

I knew deep within me that it wasn’t a mistake. It wasn’t at all. The guys knew who they came for but why was my name being used? Why?

I managed to eat and then I went to bed early because I had lectures early the next morning.

π π π

I was on my way to the lecture hall when all of a sudden, I raised my head and saw Kate coming towards me.

“Hey, Precious!”

I responded in a dull way

“What’s up with you?”

“Nothing really. Just tired”

Kate stopped walking and also stopped me and then she looked straight into my eyes but I couldn’t keep them steady with hers.

“For sure I know you are lying. I can bet with my life that it is just not nothing. Come on talk to me”

But I kept quiet and was thinking on how to even start the gist.

“You can start any how. We still have 30mins to lecture time. Talk to me please”

I narrated the story to her and then Kate went quiet and she kept shaking her head sideways.

“What are you thinking about Kate?”

“I’m not thinking. I am only trying to find a way around the whole confusion. Precious, sometimes it is better we learn the lesson of our lives personally. That way, we won’t fail to always recognize the fact that there are dangers around our lives always”

“You’ve started again with this your proverbs”

She laughed.

“You are brilliant enough to understand me Precious. Can I ask you a question?”

“Yes, you can?”

“How many friends do you have in school?”

“Emmm…. Let’s say just one?”

“Just one”

She said and then began to walk towards the lecture hall.

“Why are you suddenly walking away?”

She turned, looked at me, smiled and then she said

“Just one” and then she walked away

I stood there thinking. What does she mean by JUST ONE?


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