Markos Drakos (September 24, 1932 – January 18, 1957)

Markos Drakos (September 24, 1932 – January 18, 1957)

Frome Lefka in the Nicosia District, he was a Greek fighter and member of EOKA during British colonial rule of Cyprus.

An accountant by trade, Drakos joined the EOKA struggle and he soon became a leader of the Nicosia region using the pseudonym “Lykourgos”.

He was successful in planning and carrying out a series of co-ordinated attacks against British installations on Cyprus, such as police stations and radio stations.

After several campaigns against the British occupiers and their allies, Markos Drakos was finally captured and imprisoned, but after a few months, he managed to escape his imprisonment by tying blankets together and abseiling out of the window. The British placed a bounty on his head for his re-capture.

He re-joined his men and continued his activities, up until early in 1957, when British forces stumbled upon Drakos and his men at their hideout. The British attacked and Drakos was killed.

His body was recovered and interred by the British in the Imprisoned Graves in the Central Jail of Nicosia.

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