I finished my work and the place was sparkling. I was done with everything I was told to do, but Jason was still struggling to clean. Then I decided to help him out.

“Hey” I said

“Yeah?” He replied not paying any attention to me.

“You seem to be struggling with that, let me help you out” I stretched my hand for him to give me the foam he was using to clean.

“Help me?” He stopped and looked at me, his eyes were so beautiful, “you were the cause of all these, take it” he threw the foam at me. I grabbed it and gave the sculpture a squishy clean. Moving the sculpture was now the problem, I couldn’t do it alone.

“Moving the sculpture alone will be hard” I said

“Yeah, so?”

“I can’t do it alone, and you can’t either, we need each other” I said softly.

He quickly turned to me looking at me with his a raised eyebrows


“Urr, umm” I stammered,” sorry it’s not what you think, I know you understand…”

He stood up from where he was sitting.

“Come on let’s move this thing” he said.
Wow, that was the nice part of him I have been longing to meet. I stood up immediately and held the sculpture, he did too and we both struggled to move the sculpture and at the same time struggled to keep our face from each other because his face was really close to mine and mine to his. We got to the stage and dropped it.

“Ouch!” I shouted, as he dropped it on my left toe. He hurriedly knelt down to check my toe, he pulled out my shoe and massaged my bare toe while saying “sorry” continuously. I suddenly wasn’t feeling the pain anymore, his touch healed my hurting toe.

I stood still watching him and again lost in my thoughts. He then realized I was still and quiet then he looked up, he caught me staring but surprisingly he also decided to stare at me. I wish it could continue but we got interrupted by some noise in the lobby of the gallery. I couldn’t really see, but seemed someone was taking pictures, but I didn’t care.

“Sorry about that” he stood up holding his head

“No, no, don’t be. I’m sorry” I replied

“I guess we are done, right?” he asked

“Right!” I said, brushing the hair from my face.

He picked up his things immediately and left, I thought he was going to say goodbye but he didn’t. We then had other classes and then finally school ended for the day. I was about to go home when I remembered that Mr. Brian asked me to see him in his office. I hurriedly went but was surprised not to see Jason in Mr. Brian’s office. Mr. Brian advised me and then I stopped a taxi and hopped into it.

“I’ll come with you” I turned, it was Jason, he will finally enter a taxi, not just that, the same taxi with me, beside me, I was amazed and I blushed hard.

He got into the taxi, we sat just next to each other. It was a smooth ride, no talking, just minding our businesses. I tried to start a conversation but to no avail. Even when I dropped from the taxi he didn’t care to wave bye, he pretended he didn’t notice.

“How was school baby” my Dad asked

“Fine Dad, though I faced detention because I was caught distracting Mr. Bryan’s class” I confessed because I hated hiding my activities at school from my parents. I always wanted to be plain to them and they loved and appreciated me for that.

“Oh star, don’t do that again” Mom said from the kitchen.

“Yes Mom!” I said but truth be told, I didn’t regret serving detention with Jason, though I actually felt bad for putting him into that shit.

“Freshen up and then come have your lunch ok?” Mom said.

Seems like my brother is not home. He always was not around. I went into my room, dropped my bag, took a shower and then I ate. After taking a nap, I was set to do my assignment but I found myself searching for Jason online. I realized his third Friend whom I got to know his name through Facebook to be Chain had sent me a friend request which I immediately accepted.

He was a friendly fellow with a crazy personality. Through him I got Jason’s username and sent him a friend request. I was notified that he accepted my friend request, wow! I was startled. I chatted him, he viewed my message but didn’t reply. While waiting for his reply, I did my assignments while also playing cool music.
It was really late already, but I kept looking at my phone and refreshing my Facebook page each second. Jason was still online but still didn’t reply. I felt really bad. Well tomorrow we’ll meet, I prayed and cuddled my pillow and then I fell asleep.


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