Start with 20 chicken in this September 2024 and by the end of twelve months you'll have over 200 local chicken!!!
For those seeking information on local hens, here is a personal analysis, from experience.
If you started with 20 hens. At the end of the 12 months, you can easily have 200+ chickens as long as you put your effort into it!
This is how:
Buy 20 hens that are ready to lay and 3 mature cocks.
Always keep the ratio of males to females at 1 cock to 7-10 females for fertilization purposes. That way you're sure your eggs are fertilized.
Month 1, they lay.
Month two they hatch.
Month 3 they rear their chicks.
Once the chicks are one month old, they don't need their mothers for warmth. So withdraw the mother when the chicks are one month old (at the end of calendar month 3) and rear the chicks yourself till they are 2.5 months old before you let them on their own (free range)!
This is meant to force the hen to start laying again. We are doing business and not letting nature take its course!
Month 4, the hens take what we call a "Laying break" to adopt to not having their chicks!
Month 5, the hens start to lay again.
Month 6, they hatch again.
Month 7, they rear the chicks (process repeats itself)!
Withdraw the mother at the end of month 7.
Month 8, they are on the laying break.
Month 9 they lay again.
Month 10 they hatch.
Month 11, they rear.
Withdraw mother at end of month 11.