
How to grow rice fr...
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How to grow rice from store-bought brown rice

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How to grow rice from store-bought brown rice:

1. Germination and Seedling Selection: Soak brown rice seeds in water for three days until sprouts appear. Select healthy sprouts for planting.

2. Planting the Seedlings: Plant sprouts in nutrient-rich soil with shoots facing upwards. Water pots to soil level.

3. Sprout Growth: Green shoots emerge after six days. By day ten, 11 sprouts grow, facing challenges like rot due to lack of rice husks.

4. Vigilant Care: After 23 days, only one seedling thrives, highlighting the need for patience and care.

5. Preparing the Rice Field: Dry soil in garden bed for 30 days. Sift soil into buckets for proper water penetration.

6. Transplanting the Rice: One month later, transplant well-developed rice into pots for further growth.

7. Battling Algae and Mosquito Larvae: Combat algae with Medaka fish and control mosquito larvae. Maintain water depth at 3 cm.

8. Thriving Rice Plants: After 44 days, algae disappears, and rice plants flourish. Maintain water depth for optimal growth.

9. Draining the Water: Start draining water to facilitate soil drying after rice plants flourish.

10. The Rice Ears Appear: After 67 days, rice ears emerge, signaling readiness for harvest.

11. Tending to the Rice Ears: Monitor rice ears' progress and ensure adequate care until they reach full height.

12. Harvesting and Drying: After 93 days, harvest ripe rice ears, hang them up to dry

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