Evagoras Pallikaridis (February 26, 1938 – March 14, 1957)

Evagoras Pallikaridis (February 26, 1938 – March 14, 1957)

Born in Tsada near Paphos, 1 of 5 children, he studied at the Greek High School of Paphos where at 15, he participated in the school’s boycott of the coronation of Elizabeth II in 1953.

For her coronation, the British colonisers raised the Union Jack over every school in Cyprus, except in Paphos, where no celebrations were held due to demonstrations and to Pallikaridis taking down the British Flag.

When EOKA began the struggle against British colonialism in 1955, Pallikaridis at 17 years of age joined, taking part in several anti-British demonstrations.

Later he would come across 2 British soldiers mercilessly beating a friend of his in the street, who they had arrested and tied to an electricity pole because he had refused to tell them who was taking down all the British Flags. Pallikaridis struck both of the soldiers, freed his friend and fled the scene.

Pallikaridis was later arrested on charges of “rioting”, charges which Pallikaridis denied. He was released and ordered to re-appear at a later time to face trial, knowing what his fate would be, he decided to take to the mountains with fellow EOKA fighters, where he participated in various operations. Meanwhile, a reward of £5,000 was put on his head by the British Army.

The British finally found Pallikaridis and he was arrested on December 18, 1956, on the charge of possessing firearms.

At his trial Pallikaridis did not deny possession of the weapons. At his trial he stated – “I know that you will hang me, but what I have done I did it as a Greek who wants his freedom”.

Pallikaridis was sentenced to death and was hanged by the British on March 14, 1957 at just 19 years of age.

His body is buried at the Imprisoned Graves in the Central Jail of Nicosia.

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