Birth of Joséphine of Leuchtenberg, Queen of Sweden & Norway

Birth of Joséphine of Leuchtenberg, Queen of Sweden & Norway

Joséphine of Leuchtenberg was born in Milan on 14th March 1807.

She was the daughter of Napoleon’s stepson Eugène de Beauharnais and Princess Augusta Amalia of Bavaria.

At birth, she was given the title Princess of Bologna by Napoleon, and later she was also made Duchess of Galliera.

Joséphine of spent her first seven years in Italy. The family spent their days in Villa Bonaparte in Milan and at their summer residence in Monza outside Milan.

Joséphine was well educated.
She could speak French, German and Italian and studied history, geography, natural science, mathematics, physics and astronomy.

In 1812, she received a visit from her grandmother, the former Empress Joséphine de Beauharnais.

In 1822, Crown Prince Oskar visited Eichstätt in Bavaria, where he met Joséphine.

The couple reportedly developed a mutual attraction, and fell in love when they saw each other.

The Crown Prince immediately asked for her hand in marriage.
The Swedish wedding ceremony took place in Stockholm, on 19th June 1823.

Her official name was changed to Josefina.

Josefina was a social success in Sweden from the moment of her arrival, both as a private person in the circles of high society as well as a public person.

She was described as charming, beautiful and dignified, and regarded as gifted.
She impressed everyone, by being able to speak the Swedish language almost fluently at her arrival.

Josefina and Oskar’s marriage was initially a mutually happy one.
The couple shared their interests in culture, painting, writing and singing.

However, Oskar was soon making use of his mistresses.
Oskar was known for his extramarital affairs, and this deeply tormented Josefina, who suffered from jealousy.

The couple’s first child Karl, was born in May 1826. Four more children were born within the space of the next few years.

Of their five children, two became king: Karl XV and Oscar II.

When Oskar became king in 1844, Josefina became Queen of Sweden and Norway.
She was crowned in Sweden on 28th September 1844.

She gained greater political influence, and became her husband’s only truly confidential advisor.

In 1857, Oscar I became ill.
The King and the Queen still showed themselves to the public in the capital in their carriage.

At this point, the King was too weak to wave, but Josefina would hold and move his hand in a wave.

Josefina nursed Oskar through his illness for the next two years.
In 1859, Oscar died, an autopsy confirmed that he had a brain tumor.

Josefina was now queen dowager.

Josefina followed the French tradition by wearing the colour of violet as a mourning colour, rather than black.

Violet was her favourite colour anyway, and she would wear it for the rest of her life.
As queen dowager, she lost all political influence, and devoted herself to her charitable activities

During the winter of 1875/76, Queen Dowager Josefina grew increasingly weak.
In May 1876 she suffered from a bout of pneumonia which was complicated by heart trouble.

Dowager Queen Josephine died in Stockholm on 7th June 1876, at the age of 69.

Her last words were:
“I am going home now. I am very happy.”

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