Relationships are complex and require constant effort and communication to thrive. Whether you are in a new relationship or have been together for years, it is important to regularly assess the health and happiness of your partnership. Asking yourself thought-provoking questions can help you gain insight into your relationship, identify areas for improvement, and strengthen your bond. Here are 60 questions to ask yourself about your relationship:

1. Do I feel loved and appreciated in this relationship?
2. Am I able to be myself around my partner?
3. Do we share common values and goals?
4. How do we handle conflicts and disagreements?
5. Are we both committed to making this relationship work?
6. Do we have open and honest communication?
7. Are we supportive of each other’s dreams and aspirations?
8. Do we have a healthy balance of independence and togetherness?
9. Are we able to trust each other completely?
10. Do we have a satisfying emotional and physical connection?
11. Are we able to forgive and move on from past mistakes?
12. Do we make time for each other and prioritize our relationship?
13. Are we both willing to compromise and make sacrifices for each other?
14. Do we have a strong foundation of friendship?
15. Are we able to laugh and have fun together?
16. Do we respect each other’s boundaries and personal space?
17. Are we able to express our needs and desires openly?
18. Do we feel safe and secure in this relationship?
19. Are we both willing to put in the effort to keep the romance alive?
20. Do we have similar expectations for the future?
21. Are we able to resolve conflicts without resorting to anger or aggression?
22. Do we have a healthy balance of give and take in our relationship?
23. Are we both willing to seek professional help if needed?
24. Do we have a strong support system outside of our relationship?
25. Are we able to maintain our individual identities within the relationship?
26. Do we have a shared vision for our future together?
27. Are we able to communicate our needs and desires effectively?
28. Do we have a healthy level of trust and transparency?
29. Are we able to handle stress and challenges together?
30. Do we have a satisfying level of intimacy and affection?
31. Are we both willing to put in the effort to keep the spark alive?
32. Do we have a healthy balance of work and personal life?
33. Are we able to make decisions together as a team?
34. Do we have a strong emotional connection?
35. Are we able to resolve conflicts without holding grudges?
36. Do we have a shared sense of humor?
37. Are we both willing to compromise and find middle ground?
38. Do we have a healthy level of independence and autonomy?
39. Are we able to communicate our boundaries effectively?
40. Do we have a strong sense of trust and loyalty?
41. Are we able to handle disagreements without resorting to name-calling or insults?
42. Do we have a satisfying level of physical attraction?
43. Are we both willing to put in the effort to keep the passion alive?
44. Do we have a healthy balance of time spent together and apart?
45. Are we able to make joint decisions without feeling pressured or manipulated?
46. Do we have a strong intellectual connection?
47. Are we able to forgive and move on from past hurts?
48. Do we have a shared sense of adventure and spontaneity?
49. Are we both willing to compromise and find solutions that work for both of us?
50. Do we have a healthy level of trust and honesty?
51. Are we able to handle conflicts without resorting to passive-aggressive behavior?
52. Do we have a satisfying level of emotional support?
53. Are we both willing to put in the effort to keep the emotional connection strong?
54. Do we have a healthy balance of individual interests and shared activities?
55. Are we able to make decisions without feeling pressured or coerced?
56. Do we have a strong spiritual connection?
57. Are we able to let go of grudges and forgive each other?
58. Do we have a shared sense of purpose and meaning in our relationship?
59. Are we both willing to compromise and find win-win solutions?
60. Do we have a healthy level of respect and admiration for each other?

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